Spermophilus undulatus
Spermophilus undulatus,Long-tailed Ground Squirrel,Bean rat, big-eyed thief
Features:The long-tailed yellow squirrel is large in size, with the longest tail and largest body in the genus Yellow squirrel. It has long black claws, short ears, gray-brown back in summer, and its belly is mostly brown or rusty brown.
The long-tailed yellow squirrel is an animal of the Sciuridae family and the genus Squirrel. It mainly inhabits high mountains at 1700-3000m and relatively humid piedmont hills, forest edges and river valleys. The vegetation types are mostly mountain grasslands, forest grasslands and subalpine meado...

Spermophilus erythrogenys
Spermophilus erythrogenys,Red-cheeked Ground Squirrel,Pale-tailed yellow squirrel
Features:The back of the body from the top of the head to the base of the tail is sandy yellow, or grayish yellow with gray-black tones.
Red-cheeked yellow squirrel is an animal of the Sciuridae family and the genus Squirrel. It inhabits low mountain grasslands, piedmont hilly grasslands and semi-desert plains. In some places, it can rise along the river valley to the mountain grasslands of the mid-mountain belt at an altitude of 1,5...

Spermophilus alaschanicus Buchner
Spermophilus alaschanicus Buchner, field mouse, Daurian ground mouse, Mongolian ground mouse, prairie ground mouse, big-eyed thief, bean mouse
Features:The eyes are large and protruding, the external ears are degenerate, the limbs are balanced, the front claws are sharp, and the middle finger is particularly developed, which is a useful tool for digging holes.
The Alashan yellow rat was originally listed as a subspecies of the Daurian yellow rat, and became an independent valid species in 1975. It lives in grasslands and semi-desert environments. It is diurnal. It feeds on the roots, stems, leaves and seeds of herbaceous plants, and also eats insects. It...

Tamias sibiricus
Tamias sibiricus, birch mouse, five-browed squirrel, flower civet stick, chipmunk
Features:There are several parallel longitudinal stripes of light and dark on the back of the body.
Chipmunks belong to the genus Chipmunk of the family Sciuridae. They are named for the several light and dark parallel vertical stripes on their backs. They are medium-sized, with long tails and long, fluffy, broom-like tail hairs that extend to both sides. They have slightly long limbs, and their e...

Otus elegan
Otus elegan,Ryukyu Scops-owl,Elegant Scops-Owl,Okinawa Scops Owl, Ryukyu Scops Owl
Features:The wings have different shapes, and the fifth secondary flight feather is missing.
The elegant scops-owl, also known as the Ryukyu Scops-owl, is a nocturnal bird of prey with four subspecies.The difference between the elegant scops-owl and the collared scops-owl is that the eyes are yellow and there is no collar; the difference between the elegant scops-owl and the yellow-billed s...

Otus sunia
Otus sunia,Oriental Scops-owl,Common horned owl, Eastern owl
Features:The upper body is gray-brown (sometimes brown-chestnut), with dark brown fine lines like insects
The Oriental Scops-owl is a small bird of prey with 9 subspecies.The Red Scops Owl is a resident bird. It usually moves alone except in pairs during the breeding season. Nocturnal, hiding in dense branches and leaves of trees during the day, leaning against tree trunks or in holes. Roosting alone, s...

Otus scops
Otus scops,Eurasian Scops-owl,Eurasian scops owl, Common scops owl, Ulabaul-Ulba, night owl, cacophonous bird
Features:The body feathers have many vertical stripes, and are divided into brown and gray types.
The Western Red Scops Owl, whose foreign name is Eurasian Scops-owl, has 5 subspecies.In 2015, following a detailed review by Flint et al., "Otus scops" was classified into Western red scops (Otus scops) and Cyprus scops (Otus cyprius) based on significant vocal differences and slight feat...

Otus brucei
Otus brucei,Pallid Scops Owl
Features:The ear feathers and facial disc are more obvious
Pallid Scops Owl is a small osprey with 4 subspecies.Pallid Scops Owl usually moves alone or in pairs. It is nocturnal and moves mostly at dusk and night. It mainly feeds on insects, and also eats small rodents and birds. The call is monotonous, a two-syllable sound, often repeated for a long time....

Sciurotamias davidianus
Sciurotamias davidianus,David’s rock squirrel,Sweeper, Stone Rat
Features:This squirrel has the strongest reproductive capacity, with eight babies in one litter. It also loves to steal.
Rock squirrels belong to the family Sciuridae in the order Rodentia and are endemic to China. They are medium-sized, with fluffy tail hair that is sparser than the back hair, and a certain amount of all-black needle hair mixed in the middle.Rock squirrels are semi-arboreal and semi-terrestrial squir...

Ratufa bicolor
Ratufa bicolor(Sparrman, 1778),Black Great Squirrel,Tree dog, black civet, vine civet, black civet, black giant squirrel or Malayan giant squirrel
Features:The largest arboreal squirrel.
Giant squirrels are large rodents that live in high trees in tropical and subtropical monsoon forests below 2,000 meters above sea level. They are typical arboreal animals.Giant squirrels prefer to live alone and rarely live in groups. Occasionally, 2 to 3 of them are seen feeding on the same tree....

Dremomys rufigenis
Dremomys rufigenis,,Asian Red-cheeked Squirre,l Red-cheeked squirrel, Red-cheeked long-nosed squirrel
Features:It has a large body and a short tail. The back of the body, including the forehead and upper legs, is dark olive green, and the abdomen is light yellowish white.
The red-cheeked long-nosed squirrel (scientific name: Dremomys rufigenis) is an animal of the family Sciuridae and the genus Dremomys. It lives a semi-arboreal life, is good at climbing and jumping, and likes to live in groups. It is more active at dawn and dusk, mainly active in bushes and forest e...

Dremomys pyrrhomerus
Dremomys pyrrhomerus,Thomas, 1895
Features:The snout is longer and tapered. The lateral thighs, buttocks and below the knees are obviously rusty red.
The red-legged long-nosed squirrel (scientific name: Dremomys pyrrhomerus) is a protected species unique to my country and belongs to the family Sciuridae. It mainly lives in dense forests and has similar living habits to gray squirrels. It likes to be active in the morning and evening. It mainly ea...

Otus semitorques
Otus semitorques,Japanese Scops-owl
Features:The body has dark brown fine worm-like feathers
The Japanese Scops-owl is called Japanese Scops-owl in English and has three subspecies.The Northern Scops Owl was once a subspecies of "Otus bakkamoena semitorques" (Japanese subspecies of Scops Owl), and was classified as an independent species in 2014.The Northern Scops Owl is a residen...

Otus lettia
Otus lettia,Collared Scops Owl
Features:The facial disc is dark yellow with some dark concentric spots
Collared Scops Owl, also known as Collared Scops Owl, is a small bird with 5 subspecies.Collared Scops Owl is a nocturnal animal and is rarely seen during the day. During the day, it perches on dense branches, standing still and motionless.The scops owl makes a single, soft call, "buuo", w...

Otus spilocephalus
Otus spilocephalus,Mountain Scops-owl
Features:There are no obvious vertical or horizontal stripes, only a row of large triangular white spots on the shoulders.
The Yellow-billed Scops Owl is a small bird with 8 subspecies.The Yellow-billed Scops Owl is a resident bird. It is nocturnal and mainly active at night and dusk. It hides in dark leaves or caves during the day. Mostly live alone or in pairs. They mainly feed on rodents, lizards, large insects and i...

Buteo refectus
Buteo refectus,Himalayan Buzzard,Buteo buteo burmanicus Hume, 1875,Buteo japonicus refectus Portenko, 1935,Buteo refectus Portenko, 1935,Buteo buteo refectus Portenko, 1935
Features:The position of the nostrils is parallel to the mouth.
Himalayan Buzzard, also known as Himalayan Buzzard in English, is a medium-sized bird of prey with no subspecies.The scientific name of the Himalayan buzzard is (Buteo refectus), which was once included in the Eurasian buzzard (Buteo buteo). In 2014, it was separated from the Eurasian buzzard and be...

Dremomys pernyi
Dremomys pernyi,Perny's Long-nosed Squirrel,Long-nosed squirrel, squirrel, hairy mouse
Features:This species has the shortest snout among the genus Sciurus.
Pernyi's long-nosed squirrel (scientific name: Dremomys pernyi) is an animal of the Sciuridae family and the genus Dremomys. It mostly lives in subtropical forests, especially in tropical rainforests and trees near river valleys and streams.Perkins's long-nosed squirrels mainly live in trees...

Dremomys lokriah
Dremomys lokriah,Himalayan orange-bellied long-nosed squirrel, Tibetan long-nosed squirrel
Features:Snout length is about 33.4% of skull length
The orange-bellied long-nosed squirrel (scientific name: Dremomys lokriah) belongs to the family Sciuridae, also known as the Himalayan orange-bellied long-nosed squirrel and the Tibetan long-nosed squirrel. It usually lives in the cycad forest at an altitude of 1500-3400 meters or the woods at 2000...

Tamiops swinhoei
Tamiops swinhoei,Hidden flower squirrel, yellow-bellied flower squirrel, leopard mouse, chipmunk, golden chipmunk, three-browed squirrel, Diao Lingzi, etc.
Features:There is a distinct black stripe in the middle of the back, and two brown or light yellow vertical stripes on both sides.
The chipmunk, also known as the chipmunk, yellow-bellied chipmunk, and leopard mouse, usually builds nests in tree holes, tree branches, or cracks on cliffs. It is active at dawn and dusk. Its food is mainly plant fruits, buds, seeds, and insects. It is widely distributed and is a common group. It i...

Callosciurus quinquestriatus
Callosciurus quinquestriatus,,Five-striped squirrel
Features:The abdomen has three black stripes and two white stripes alternating between them, hence the name "striped-bellied squirrel".
The striped squirrel, also known as the five-striped squirrel, is an endangered species. The back of the body is olive brown-gray with obvious red, and the back is the darkest. The chin and throat are gray with a slight red; there is a dark stripe in the center of the ventral surface and on both out...

Callosciurus pygerythrus imitator
Callosciurus pygerythrus imitator,Irrawaddy squirrel, Yunnan squirrel
Features:The tail is usually longer than the body but narrower, and the tip is usually black.
Blue-bellied squirrels are distributed in southwestern China, including southern Yunnan and Medog in southeastern Tibet. There are 8 subspecies of blue-bellied squirrels, and only one subspecies in China, namely the Yunnan subspecies.Blue-bellied squirrels are diurnal and usually act alone. They fee...