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Animals by Scientific Class Names

The scientific names of animals are named and classified using the binomial nomenclature system of biology. This system is based on a series of hierarchical structures, from the broadest to the most specific, including kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus, and species. The following is the general structure of the scientific names of animals:

KingdomAnimaliaHomo sapiens、Canis lupus familiaris
PhylumChordataBalaenoptera musculus、Aves
ClassMammaliaPanthera tigris、whale
OrderPrimatesGorilla gorilla、Macaca mulatta
FamilyHominidaeHomo sapiens、Gorilla
GenusHomoHomo sapiens、Homo neanderthalensis
SpeciesHomo sapiensModern humans only

This classification method helps biologists clearly understand and study the relationship between species, and promotes various biological studies.

Acridotheres cristatellus

Acridotheres cristatellus

Acridotheres cristatellus,Crested Myna,Black starling, thrush, cold starling, crested starling, liaogezi

Features:A popular caged bird that can imitate the calls of other birds and simple human speech.

Starlings are common in southern my country. They are not only important agricultural and forestry birds, but also popular caged birds. They can imitate the calls of other birds and simple human speech. They are widely caged in China and have been introduced to the Philippines and Canada.They like t...

Gracula religiosa

Gracula religiosa

Gracula religiosa,Common Hill Myna,, Qinjile, Jiugong bird, Hainan myna, Hainan starling, Indian grek

Features:After training, they can also imitate human language and learn to sing simple songs.

The characteristic of the myna is the orange-yellow wattles and hems on the sides of the head, which are similar for males and females. It is good at singing, with loud and clear voices, and can imitate and produce a variety of melodious tones. It often gathers in small groups of 3-5, and in winter...

Psittacula krameri

Psittacula krameri

Psittacula krameri,Rose-ringed Parakeet,Rose-ringed parakeet, Ring-necked parakeet, Moon-ringed parakeet

Features:The red-collared green parrot has strong adaptability and vitality and is considered a pest to crops.

Red-collared green parrots are resident birds, often moving in groups, sometimes with gray magpies, starlings, crows, etc. They mainly live in open sparse woodlands at the foot of the mountain, as well as villages, farmlands, and town gardens. They make noisy calls, especially in the morning and eve...

Psittacula himalayana

Psittacula himalayana

Psittacula himalayana,Slaty-headed Parakeet

Features:It resembles a grey-headed parrot and has the habit of vertical migration.

The appearance of the Green-headed Parrot is very similar to that of the Grey-headed Parrot, but it is smaller in size, with a lighter head and a smaller beak. The iris is yellow, the upper jaw of the beak is vermilion, the tip of the beak is yellow, the lower jaw is yellow, and the feet are gray or...

Psittacula himalayana

Psittacula himalayana

Psittacula himalayana,Slaty-headed Parakeet,Gray-headed parrot, Sand monk bird, Gray-headed conure, Dark-headed parrot

Features:The bird's beak is strong and powerful enough to eat hard-shelled fruits.

Gray-headed parrots are typical climbing birds with opposable feet, two toes forward and two toes backward, suitable for grasping. The beak is strong and powerful, and can eat hard-shelled fruits. Inhabits forests, palm groves, open plains, woodlands, agricultural areas, etc. They usually live in pa...

Neofelis nebulosa

Neofelis nebulosa

Neofelis nebulosa,Clouded Leopard , Panthère longibande, Panthère nébuleuse, Pantera Longibanda, Pantera Nebulosa, Pantera del Himalaya , Kla PorPok , Seua lai mek,Clouded leopard, tortoise-patterned

Features:Secretive and rare arboreal hunter

The clouded leopard is called Clouded Leopard in English, and there are 3 subspecies. Because the length of its 4 canine teeth can reach 4-7 cm, which is very similar to the terrifying fangs of the extinct saber-toothed tiger subfamily, it is called the "small saber-toothed tiger". If the...

Pardofelis temminckii

Pardofelis temminckii

Pardofelis temminckii,Asiatic Golden Cat, Golden Cat, Temminck's Cat ,Chat de Temminck, Chat doré d'Asie, Gato Dorado Asiático ,Asiatische Goldkatze,Asian golden cat, original cat, red leopa

Features:The prototype of the legendary animal "Biao", which is considered to be ranked between tiger and leopard

The Asiatic Golden Cat is a medium-sized cat with three subspecies.Except for the breeding season, golden cats generally live alone and are nocturnal. They are more active at dawn and dusk. They live in tree caves during the day and move on the ground at night. They are agile and good at climbing, b...

Psittacula roseata

Psittacula roseata

Psittacula roseata,Blossom-headed Parakeet,Rose-headed cockatoo, Purple-headed cockatoo

Features:The head color is different: the male is rose red, and the female is gray-blue.

The flower-headed parrot is a medium-sized bird, a typical climbing bird, with a strong and powerful beak, a hooked beak, a movable joint in the upper jaw, and a wax membrane at the base of the beak. It lives in subtropical and tropical deciduous forests, open woodlands and secondary jungles. It mai...

Derby's Parakeet

Derby's Parakeet

Derby's Parakeet,Parrot, Oriole

Features:The tongue is very developed and can imitate human "speech"

The Great Purple-breasted Parrot is a medium-sized bird. In the wild, it usually moves in groups of dozens. In the breeding season, it will form a group of up to 50. When it gathers, it is very noisy and rarely moves in pairs or alone. It mostly feeds in coniferous forests and can reach an altitude...

Psittacula alexandri

Psittacula alexandri

Psittacula alexandri,Red-breasted Parakeet,Sichuan parrot, big parrot, big purple-breasted parrot

Features:It is the most common parrot in the wild in my country and can imitate human speech after training.

The rose-breasted parrot is a medium-sized bird, a typical climbing bird, with a strong and powerful beak, a hooked beak, a movable joint in the upper jaw, and a wax film at the base of the beak. The muscular tongue is thick. The feet are short, powerful, and zygomatic, with two toes facing forward...

Pardofelis marmorata charltoni

Pardofelis marmorata charltoni

Pardofelis marmorata charltoni,Nepalese Marbled Cat, stone cat, spotted cat, grass leopard, clouded leopard, Nepalese cat

Features:Professional killer of squirrels

The Nepalese Marbled Cat is a subspecies of the marble cat. It is slightly larger than a domestic cat, with a tail that is nearly as long as its body and very large feet. It is more like a panther than a cat.Clouded cats are genetically between "big cats" (such as tigers, leopards, snow le...

Lynx lynx

Lynx lynx

Lynx lynx,Eurasian Lynx,Eurasian lynx, forest lynx, lynx mandarin cat, horse lynx, mountain cat, wild cat

Features:Romania's national animal

The lynx is called Eurasian Lynx in English. It is similar in size to a cat but much larger than a cat. There are 7 subspecies.Lynx is a solitary wild animal that lives alone in a vast space. It is a nocturnal hunter without a fixed nest. During the day, it can lie on a rock to bask in the sun, or q...

Otocolobus manul

Otocolobus manul

Otocolobus manul,Pallas's Cat,Lynx, Ulun, Manau

Features:"Aobai among cats", a serious series of beasts

Pallas's Cat has three subspecies (Pallas's Cat, Pallas's Cat and Pallas's Cat). It is said that when ancient nomadic people saw Pallas's Cat on the grassland, they would shout "Dursun", which means stop, and then everyone called it "Pallas's Cat".The manu...

Prionailurus viverrinus

Prionailurus viverrinus

Prionailurus viverrinus,Fishing Cat , Chat Pêcheur ,Gato Pescador,civet cat, fishing cat, fishing cat

Features:A wild cat that loves water

Fishing cats are slightly larger than domestic cats, with shorter tails, about half the length of their bodies.Fishing cats and leopard cats both belong to the genus Leopard Cat, and they are closely related. Their body markings have many similarities, so people often mistake fishing cats for leopar...

Felis silvestris shawiana

Felis silvestris shawiana

Felis silvestris shawiana,Shaw's Cat,Wild cat, desert spotted cat, bandicoot, Shache spotted wild cat

Features:He has a violent temper and dares to confront wolves.

The steppe cat, also known as Shaw's Cat in English, is a Chinese subspecies of wild cats. It is known as one of the "three most adorable cats in the West" along with the manul and desert cat.Although the steppe cat looks small, it is indeed very fierce and has a violent temper. It can...

Felis chaus

Felis chaus

Felis chaus,jungle cat,Wild raccoon, raccoon

Features:The largest cat species

The jungle cat is called jungle cat in foreign language. There are 9 subspecies, which are the largest species in the genus Cat. It is worth mentioning that jungle cats will occasionally have black individuals like black panthers. There are black jungle cats in Novosibirsk Zoo.Wild raccoons are a my...

Felis bieti

Felis bieti

Felis bieti,Chinese Mountain Cat,Felis chutuchta,Grass cat, grass lynx, wild cat, desert cat, Chetang Xiongbu

Features:The only endemic cat species in the country.

The desert cat is called Chinese Mountain Cat in English. It is a unique animal in my country. There are three subspecies (desert cat nominate subspecies, desert cat Ningxia subspecies, desert cat Shaanxi subspecies). Among them, Ningxia subspecies and Shaanxi subspecies have not been seen for many...

Prionodon pardicolor

Prionodon pardicolor

Prionodon pardicolor,Spotted Linsang, spotted civet cat, spotted civet cat, oriental civet cat, leopard cat, cunning cat, tiger civet cat

Features:The difference between the spotted civet and other civets is that both sexes have no scent glands

Spotted Linsang, whose foreign name is Spotted Linsang, is a medium-sized carnivore that mainly lives in forests. There are two subspecies.There are two species of bandicoots, formerly classified as part of the family Viverridae, published in 2005 by Wozencraft, W.C. Order Carnivora. Wilson, D.E. &a...

Chrotogale owstoni

Chrotogale owstoni

Chrotogale owstoni,Owston’s Palm Civet,Barred civet, civet, gossip cat, striped civet, striped civet, Euston palm civet

Features:The "cat" with a "mouse mouth" is actually a raccoon

The Owston’s Palm Civet is a large terrestrial civet with no subspecies. It is very similar in appearance to its other relative, the Banded Palm Civet Hemigalus derbyanus. The only difference to the naked eye is the spots on the neck and limbs, but in fact the Owston’s Palm Civet has a narrower, e...

Arctogalidia trivirgata

Arctogalidia trivirgata

Arctogalidia trivirgata,Three-striped Palm Civet,Small-toothed palm civet, Small-toothed civet, Three-striped civet

Features:There are three lines on the back, so it is also called "three-line raccoon".

Small-toothed Palm Civet, also known as Small-toothed Palm Civet, has 14 subspecies.Small-toothed Palm Civet is usually found in primary and secondary forests, and even in heavily logged forest belts. They usually stay away from human settlements, but have been reported in coconut plantations. They...



Arctictis binturong,Badger,Panda

Features:It is the largest species of civet in China and the second largest species in the civet family.

There are 9 subspecies of binturong, the second largest species in the family Viverridae.The binturong is the only animal in the family Viverridae with a prehensile tail. The tail has fluffy and rough hair, which can grasp and act as a fifth hand, and can be used to hang the body in mid-air by wrapp...