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Animals by Scientific Class Names

The scientific names of animals are named and classified using the binomial nomenclature system of biology. This system is based on a series of hierarchical structures, from the broadest to the most specific, including kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus, and species. The following is the general structure of the scientific names of animals:

KingdomAnimaliaHomo sapiens、Canis lupus familiaris
PhylumChordataBalaenoptera musculus、Aves
ClassMammaliaPanthera tigris、whale
OrderPrimatesGorilla gorilla、Macaca mulatta
FamilyHominidaeHomo sapiens、Gorilla
GenusHomoHomo sapiens、Homo neanderthalensis
SpeciesHomo sapiensModern humans only

This classification method helps biologists clearly understand and study the relationship between species, and promotes various biological studies.

Macaca assamensis

Macaca assamensis

Assamese Macaque,Bear monkey, Rong monkey, Assam monkey, mountain macaque, Himalayan monkey, Assam short-tailed monkey, big green monkey

Features:It looks a lot like a macaque, but is slightly larger than a macaque. It is named for its fat body and bear-like appearance.

The bear monkey is endemic to the Himalayas and Indochina. It looks very similar to a macaque, but is slightly larger than a macaque. It is named because of its fat body and bear-like appearance.The call of the bear monkey is different from that of the macaque. It sounds like a dog barking, but with...

Macaca arctoides

Macaca arctoides

Stumptail Macaque,Short-tailed monkey, red-faced monkey, pile-tailed monkey, human bear,big green monkey

Features:The face is often dark red or with purple patches, and the tail is surprisingly short, not even as long as the hind legs.

The macaque is a larger species of macaque that is endemic to South and Southeast Asia.The appearance of the macaque is so similar to that of the Tibetan emirate that many books confuse them with each other, and some people think that they belong to different subspecies of the same species. However,...

Nycticebus pygmaeus

Nycticebus pygmaeus

pygmy loris,Xanthonycticebus pygmaeus,Little slow loris,wind monkey, little wind monkey

Features:Similar to the slow loris, but smaller

The pygmy slow loris is the smallest prosimian species in China. It is very similar to the slow loris but smaller in size, only half the size of the slow loris.The habitat and living habits of the pygmy slow loris are similar to those of the slow loris. It is mild-tempered, nocturnal, arboreal, and...

Loris tardigradus

Loris tardigradus

Slow loris,Bengal slow loris, gray slow loris, wind civet, flat monkey, shy cat, mimic monkey

Features:The only venomous primate on Earth

The slow loris is the largest of all species in the genus Sloris.Although the protection level of slow loris is very high, they are actually very inconspicuous animals in nature. Adult slow loris are only about 30 centimeters long and weigh less than two kilograms on average. Their overly petite siz...

Snowshoe Cat

Snowshoe Cat

Features:It is a new breed bred in the United States, characterized by its four snow-white hooves.

The Snowshoe cat originated in the United States and was produced by mating mixed-color American Shorthair and Siamese cats.The origin of the Snowshoe cat can be traced back to the 1960s, when a Siamese cat raised by Dorothy Hinds Daugherty in Philadelphia, USA, gave birth to a litter of three kitte...

Turkish Van

Turkish Van

Van Kedisi,VAN CAT

Features:Türkiye's national treasure is more expensive than you can imagine

The Turkish Van cat is a pure natural cat that originated in the Lake Van region of Turkey. It is a mutation of the Turkish Angora cat. Strictly speaking, it is a strain of the Angora cat, so it is very similar to the Angora cat.Turkish Van cats are particularly tenacious, have good environmental to...

Siberian Forest Cat

Siberian Forest Cat

Сибирская,Сибирская кошка

Features:The largest and oldest natural cat breed in existence, the Russian national cat

Siberian Forest Cat Russian: "Сибирская", also known as Siberian Forest Cat. Russia's national cat. It is a very common cat in the Russian market and Siberian countryside.According to recorded history, the Siberian breed has been around for at least a thousand years. It was cl...

Norwegian Forest Cat

Norwegian Forest Cat

Skogkatt, Skaukatt, Norsk Skogkatt, Norsk Skaukatt

Features:Cats with Norse mythology

The Norwegian Forest Cat is a cat that lives in the Norwegian forest. It is a breed unique to the Scandinavian Peninsula.There are two speculations about the origin of the Norwegian Forest Cat: The first possibility is that the pirates in the 13th century brought back cats from Asia Minor (Caucus, A...

Bombay cat

Bombay cat

Little Black Panther, Mona Lisa, Mini Ponza

Features:Named after its resemblance to a cheetah

The Bombay cat is a modern breed, bred by American breeders in 1958 by crossbreeding Burmese cats (Black Shao cats) and American black shorthair cats. Because of its appearance similar to that of an Indian cheetah, it was named after the Indian city of Bombay.The Bombay cat not only retains the colo...

Abyssinian cat

Abyssinian cat

Rabbit cat, Ethiopian cat, Aby, Red Aby

Features:Legend has it that the modern Abyssinian cat is a descendant of the ancient Egyptian cat that was worshipped as a "sacred creature" in ancient Egypt.

The Abyssinian cat is one of the oldest known breeds.The origin of the name is not because its homeland is in Ethiopia (formerly known as Abyssinia), but because the report of the first "Abyssinian Cat Show" in the UK stated that it was imported from Ethiopia. The first mention of this...

Falco rusticolus

Falco rusticolus

Gyrfalcon, White Falcon

Raptor LC

Features:The Nordic country of Iceland has designated the gyrfalcon as its national bird, and has placed a silver-white gyrfalcon on its national emblem. The white gyrfalcon is extremely rare and precious, and is a very beautiful bird of prey.

The gyrfalcon is a species of falcon. It has a strong beak and feet with sharp hooks, which are adapted to catching and tearing prey. The base of the beak is covered with wax; the wings are strong and powerful, and it is good at flying and soaring. The skull is cord-shaped. The feet and toes are str...

Japanese Bobtail Cat

Japanese Bobtail Cat


Features:The tail is only about 10 cm long, one of the cat breeds with a short tail

The Japanese Bobtail cat is a native cat breed in Japan. It is also called the calico cat or the short-tailed calico cat in Japan. This cat has a long history. Some people believe that it was introduced to Japan from China or Korea more than 1,000 years ago. The Japanese believe that calico cats are...



Canadian Hairless

Features:The fur feels soft and silky, like satin, which is unique among many breeds.

The Canadian Sphynx was bred by cat lovers in Toronto, Ontario, Canada in 1966 from a litter of almost hairless kittens through inbreeding and selection, specifically for cat lovers who are allergic to cat hair.The earliest recorded hairless cats were a pair of brothers named Nellie and Dick who wer...

American Curl

American Curl

Curl-eared cat, Fold-eared cat

Features:Cat with curled ears

The American Curl is a cat with curled ears. This is not a physiological defect, nor is it artificially caused, but rather a result of genetic mutation.The American Curl originated in California, USA. Legend has it that in 1981, a female black cat in southern California was covered with soft and smo...

Egyptian Mau

Egyptian Mau

Pharaoh cat, Egyptian god cat

Features:Believed to be a cat kept in ancient Egypt

The Egyptian cat is an ancient breed, and there are graphic and text records of it on tombstones and scrolls in ancient Egypt thousands of years ago.As the name suggests, the Egyptian cat originated in Egypt. In the history of domestic cats, the Egyptian cat may be the earliest. 1400 years ago, imag...

Manx cat

Manx cat


Features:One of the eight most famous cats in the world, Edward VII's favorite pet

The Manx cat is an unusual tailless cat breed. Its body shape is similar to that of the British Shorthair cat, but its hind legs are longer than its front legs, so it walks like a rabbit.According to legend, the Manx cat boarded Noah's Ark one step later than other animals, and its tail was caug...



gutter cat, sewer cat

Features:One of the smallest cats in the world

The Singapore cat originated in Singapore. It was discovered in the early 1970s. It is a very small cat. It is the smallest cat breed among all cat breeds currently recognized.The Singapore cat is more active, playful and curious. It likes to run around and even get into the sewer. Therefore, it was...

Havana cat

Havana cat

Havana brown cat, chestnut exotic cat

Features:Cigar color cat

The Havana cat was bred by British animal husbandry experts in the early 1950s. It is a hybrid of chocolate-point Siamese cats and British short-haired cats. Because its fur, whiskers, and nose are all brown, the same color as the famous Cuban Havana cigars, it is named Havana cat, which means cigar...

Somali cat

Somali cat

Features:Cute cats come from genetic mutations

The Somali cat is probably native to Africa. Don’t think too much about it. It actually has nothing to do with Somali pirates.The Abyssinian cat is a famous short-haired cat. It is said that one year, a purebred Abyssinian cat gave birth to a long-haired cat. Biologists found that this was a geneti...

Korat cat

Korat cat

Felis catus

Features:As a traditional wedding gift in Thailand

The Korat cat originated in Thailand and was named after its place of origin, the province of Klong Sor, Thailand. It is known locally as "Sisewat", which means auspiciousness. The Korat cat is one of the oldest famous cat breeds that still maintains its pure bloodline.The handsome silver-...

Falco amurensis

Falco amurensis

Red-footed falcon, Amur falcon, blue eagle, blue swallow, black kite, red-legged kite, grasshopper hawk

Raptor LC

Features:The raptor has the longest migration distance, with a one-way distance of 13,000 to 16,000 kilometers.

Red-footed falcons often inhabit open habitats and like to stand on electric wires. They also form large groups of dozens of individuals to prey on insects in one area at the same time. Sometimes they also mix with other falcons, such as yellow-clawed falcons. They often move alone during the day. W...