Old English Sheepdog
Bobtail Dog
Features:The Old English Sheepdog is characterized by its long gray and white fur and hair covering its eyes.
The Old English Sheepdog is one of the oldest sheepdog breeds in the UK, bred from the standard poodle and the deerhound; there is also a theory that this dog is based on the Russian shepherd dog, bred with the bearded collie.In 1873, the Old English Sheepdog made its first public appearance at a Br...

Tibetan Terrier
Tsang Apso,Dokhi Apso
Features:People regard Tibetan Terriers as companion dogs and "lucky messengers" who can bring people their own good luck.
The Tibetan Terrier is not a true terrier, but a sheepdog, similar to the shaggy-haired sheepdogs of Europe. It is called a terrier because its size is very similar to that of a terrier. Tibetans call it "the bringer of luck" or "the holy dog", neither of which seems to be suitab...

Chinese Crested Dog
Chinese Crested
Features:One of the few hairless dog breeds in the world.Lively, clever, brave and gentle. It has the ability to regulate its own body temperature, has a strong ability to adapt to cold and heat, and its body temperature rises immediately after eating.
The Chinese Crested Dog is one of the few hairless dog breeds in the world. It is named Chinese Crested Dog because of the crest on its head, which looks like the hat of Qing Dynasty officials.There are different opinions about its origin. The Chinese Crested Dog is not a Chinese dog. When naming th...

greyhound,Italian Greyhound
Features:It is one of the mammals with the second fastest land speed after the cheetah. This breed has strong and slender limbs, deep pectoral muscles and a streamlined body shape, which enables it to move at speeds of up to 72 kilometers per hour, making it easy to hunt prey.
Greyhound, also known as Greyhound, is native to the Middle East. The English name of Greyhound is generally believed to have evolved from the Old English word "grighund". Hund means hound, and the meaning of grig is unclear, but it should have nothing to do with the modern English word gr...

French Bulldog
bouledogue français,bouledogue
Features:French bulldogs require relatively little exercise, but they do need a short walk every day. They are calm and rarely bark loudly (generally only barking to alert their owners), making them popular with women and children.
French Bulldog originated in France, is a descendant of the British Bulldog. It was brought to France from Britain by the French in the mid-19th century and improved into today's breed.In 1860, a small bulldog appeared in Paris, which may be the earliest French bulldog. By 1871, this kind of dog...

Dutch dog, Axe dog,Tibet pug, Dutch bulldog, Dutch mastiff, Mini mastiff
Features:The Pug has a black face with many wrinkles and a gentle personality.
The Pug is charming and elegant. It was officially named "Pug" in the late 18th century. It got its name because its facial expression resembles a small monkey called "Pug". Regarding the origin of the Pug, some experts believe that this dog came from my country and originated fr...

Sealyham Terrier
Welsh Border Terrier, Cowley Terrier
Features:The Sealyham Terrier is a breed of dog that was completely improved by humans.
The Sealyham Terrier is a breed that was completely improved by humans. Between 1850 and 1891, it was carefully improved by Captain John Edwards in the Sealyham Territory in Wales. Although there was no record of the exact breeding process at the time, it can be determined that it was a breed of bul...

Skye Terrier
Welsh Terrier
Features:The Skye Terrier was bred on the isolated Scottish island of Skye, where the islanders specialized in hunting otters, badgers and foxes. Its keen sense of smell and agile, strong and muscular body enable it to find them and dig their burrows to capture them.
The Skye Terrier originated in the 17th century and was bred on the isolated Scottish island of Skye. The islanders used the breed specifically to hunt otters, badgers and foxes. Its keen sense of smell and agile, strong, muscular body enable it to find them and dig their burrows to capture them. Th...

Japanese Akita
あきたいぬ/アキタイヌ,Akita dog
Features:This dog is very brave, sensitive, loyal and intelligent. It originated in Akita Prefecture, which is mountainous in the north and has very cold winters.
Akita dogs belong to the working dog group. They were raised by the Japanese royal family or aristocratic families hundreds of years ago. They are famous for bullfighting and hunting and are awarded the title of "the most respected hunter". The protagonist of the...

Irish Terrier
An Madra Gearr,Irish Red Terrier
Features:It was once a super water dog and a keen killer who hunted vermin.
The Irish Red Terrier, also known as the Irish Red Terrier, originated in Ireland in the 18th century. It originated in County Cork, Ireland, and is generally believed to be a breed formed by the mating of black, tan and wheaten terriers.The first record of the recognized Irish Terrier dates back to...

African Lion Hound
Rhodesian Lion Dog,Canis lupus familiaris
Features:It is said that a group of three hounds can hunt a lion. They can be excellent guard dogs and are also loyal and docile family dogs.
The African Lion Dog, also known as the Rhodesian Ridgeback, originated in South Africa in the 19th century. It is a breed used for special hunting in the wild.Since about the 16th century, European immigrants brought bloodhounds, mastiffs and various terriers to South Africa. These dogs hybridized...

Shar Pei
Chinese fighting dog,Canis lupus familiaris
Features:China's ancient and unique dog breeds
沙皮犬,英文名 Sharpei,产于中国广东南海大沥镇一带,是世界名种斗狗之一。因其毛短而硬,手感粗糙,似打磨用的砂纸,故此得名沙皮犬。外表似乎神情忧郁,充满哀怨、凝重的沙皮犬,其实心情非常开朗、活泼、顽皮好玩。沙皮犬聪明机智、勇猛善斗、机警灵活、忠实可爱,对主人非常驯服忠诚,喜欢同儿童嬉耍沙皮犬很特别,非...

German Boxer
Features:Mainly used as a working dog. Originally used for hunting wild boars, bears and cattle herding, they come in different types, sizes and coat colors.
Boxer originated in Germany. The ancestor of Boxer is the mastiff breed. In the Middle Ages, it was used to attack bison, hunt wild boars and deer. In the 19th century, the Boxer was bred in Munich, Germany by mating the Basel Mastiff with a bulldog, and mating with some other breeds to improve the...

West Highland White Terrier
Canis lupus familiaris
Features:Because of its unique white fur, which consists of double layers of hair, covering the entire face, it makes the face rounder. This breed has the advantages of being smart, quick to learn, and confident.
The West Highland White Terrier is a pure white dog from the western highlands of Scotland. In the mid-19th century, people selected and bred an authentic white dog breed from the Highland White Terrier.The West Highland White Terrier has a fox-like face, a long nose, is smart, tenacious and brave,...

Buteo rufinus
Brown-tailed Hawk,Long-legged Buzzard
Features:When flying, the wings are raised in a "V" shape with black wingtips.
The Rufous-tailed Hawk is a medium-to-large raptor of the genus Buteo in the family Accipitridae, with a body length of 50-65 cm and a weight of 1,280 grams. The head and neck of an adult bird are brown, and the upper body is brown; the outer vanes of the second to fifth primary flight feathers have...

Buteo buteo
Buteo buteo buteo,Buteo japonicus
Features:It is mainly active during the day, has an alert character, sharp vision and is good at flying.
The Eurasian buzzard is a bird of the family Accipitridae and the genus Buteo. It is a medium-sized bird of prey with a body length of 50-59 cm. The body color varies greatly, with the upper body mainly dark brown, the lower body mainly dark brown or light brown, with dark brown horizontal stripes o...

Pernis apivorus
European Honey Buzzard、Western Honey-Buzzard
Features:Have a strong visual memory of geographical features and can accurately locate the flight direction
The Cuckoo-headed Honey Buzzard is a bird of the Accipitridae family and the genus Honey Buzzard. It is a medium-sized bird of prey, about 0.6 meters long, with dark brown feathers on its back. The face has small and dense feathers that look like scales. Honey Buzzards often live in sparse pine fore...

German Wirehaired Pointer
Deutsch Drahthaar,Deutscher Drahthaariger Vorstehhund,Drahthaar
Features:It is a muscular, medium-sized dog with a distinctive appearance.
The German Wirehaired Pointer originated in the 18th century. Early Wirehaired Pointers were crossbred with many other breeds, such as the German Foxhound, German Pointer, Bloodhound, English Pointer, Polish Water Dog, German Shepherd, Griffin, etc. Therefore, this breed has multiple hunting skills...

Canis lupus familiaris
Features:The average speed can reach 60 kilometers per hour, making it one of the fastest dogs
Originated in 3000 BC, it is native to Iran. This dog has a long history. In the tombs of ancient Egypt more than 3000 years ago, images of hounds similar to this dog were found. Judging from the appearance, this dog and the ancient Afghan hound are close relatives of the same lineage.The Saluki was...

Irish Wolfhound
Cú Faoil,Canis lupus familiaris
Features:The tallest dog in the world, the Irish national dog
The English name of the Irish Wolfhound is: Irish Wolfhound. It originated in Ireland in 100 BC. It is a real giant dog and the tallest dog in the world. Its appearance is generally similar to that of a greyhound, and its coat is very messy; its body structure is strong and its muscles are very deve...

Bedlington Terriern
Canis lupus familiaris
Features:Dog in sheep's clothing
The Bedlington Terrier originated in the 19th century and is native to the United Kingdom. Originally named Rosebell Terrier, it was mainly used to hunt hidden prey such as foxes, hares and badgers. From the late 18th century to the early 19th century, it was bred and bred by Whippet, Dandie Dinmont...