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Animals by Scientific Class Names

The scientific names of animals are named and classified using the binomial nomenclature system of biology. This system is based on a series of hierarchical structures, from the broadest to the most specific, including kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus, and species. The following is the general structure of the scientific names of animals:

KingdomAnimaliaHomo sapiens、Canis lupus familiaris
PhylumChordataBalaenoptera musculus、Aves
ClassMammaliaPanthera tigris、whale
OrderPrimatesGorilla gorilla、Macaca mulatta
FamilyHominidaeHomo sapiens、Gorilla
GenusHomoHomo sapiens、Homo neanderthalensis
SpeciesHomo sapiensModern humans only

This classification method helps biologists clearly understand and study the relationship between species, and promotes various biological studies.

Varanus salvator

Varanus salvator

Water monitor, marsh monitor, five-clawed golden dragon, four-legged snake, round-nosed monitor

Features:The second largest lizard in the world.

Speaking of the nickname of the water monitor lizard, everyone is familiar with it, that is - the five-clawed golden dragon.Although the water monitor lizard looks unfriendly, it is actually very docile and very friendly to people. It is said to be a non-aggressive animal, and no cases of biting peo...

Chamaeleo calyptratus

Chamaeleo calyptratus

Veiled chameleon

Features:The easiest chameleon species to breed.

The veiled chameleon is native to Central Asia, such as Saudi Arabia and Yemen, so they have another name - Yemen chameleon. They are a relatively large chameleon and are also the most suitable chameleon for beginners to raise.When the mood is beautiful, the iridophore crystals are closely arranged,...

Morelia bredli

Morelia bredli

carpet python, felt python, central python

Features:The carpet python gets its name from its unique pattern that resembles a carpet.

All pythons are non-venomous, and carpet pythons are no exception.Carpet pythons strangle their prey by constricting their bodies. The species is usually active during the day and at night, with some subspecies being primarily nocturnal. Carpet pythons like to live in trees, although they usually ba...

Shinisaurus crocodilurus

Shinisaurus crocodilurus

Crocodile lizard, water gecko, Yaoshan crocodile lizard, big sleeping snake, wood sleeping fish, drowned dog

Features:It looks very much like the Chinese alligator, so it is called the crocodile lizard.

Between 1928 and 1929, the biology department of Sun Yat-sen University went to Dayao Mountain in Guangxi, China, and collected 28 reptiles that looked like lizards but had tails like crocodiles in Qiongwu Village, Luoxiang Township, Jinxiu County, Guangxi. No. 2 of them was sent to the Zoological M...

Tomistoma schlegelii

Tomistoma schlegelii

Malayan alligator, Malayan crocodile

Features:It was once believed that there were Malayan crocodiles in the Lingnan area of ​​mainland China in ancient times, mainly distributed in inland rivers, but they no longer exist today.

The Malayan crocodile looks very similar to the Ganges crocodile (Gavialis gangeticus), but its head gradually narrows towards the snout, and it does not have the bulbous protrusion on the snout of the male Ganges crocodile.Historically, the Malayan crocodile has a wide distribution range and appear...

Varanus exanthematicus

Varanus exanthematicus

Grassland monitor lizard, plains monitor lizard

Features:Husky among monitor lizards

The plain monitor lizard is docile and not too big; it rarely has problems with eating. Because it has a low sense of aggression and is relatively easy to keep, it is the most commonly kept monitor lizard. Unsurprisingly, the plain monitor was first raised by Americans. Due to its docile personality...

Calotes versicolor

Calotes versicolor

Chameleon, horsehair snake, cockscomb snake, four-legged snake

Features:Body color changes with wet or dry conditions and light intensity.

Ancient folklore says that if you are bitten by a crested snake, you will definitely die. However, up to now, no snake has been found in the world with a mortality rate of 100%.After relevant investigations, it was reported that this crested snake may be a tiger-spotted neck snake or a chameleon tre...

Emperor Penguin

Emperor Penguin

Aptenodytes forsteri

Features:Emperor penguins are the largest of all the different species of penguins.

Emperor penguins mainly live in the sea. They hunt, swim and play in the water. On the one hand, they exercise their bodies well, and on the other hand, they eat and drink enough to conserve their energy for the arrival of the winter breeding season. In winter, emperor penguins have the opportunity...

Adélie penguin

Adélie penguin

Pygoscelis adeliae

Features:The Adelie penguin's tail is slightly longer than other penguin species.

The legs of the Adélie penguin are light pink and the soles of the feet are black. Like other penguins, the Adélie penguin is also a good swimmer, and can swim at a speed of up to 15 kilometers per hour. Normally, it swims at a speed of 4-7 kilometers per hour. When the Adélie penguin swims fast,...

Pygoscelis papua

Pygoscelis papua

White-browed penguin, Gentleman penguin, Gentleman penguin

Features:The Gentoo penguin is the fastest swimmer in the penguin family and can swim at speeds of up to 36 kilometers per hour.

The Gentoo penguin walks on land with a shaky gait, and its long tail swings left and right behind it like sweeping the ground, so its scientific name is "Pygoscelis", which means "broom-like tail".The Gentoo penguin is one of the three members of the genus Pygoscelis. Mitochondr...



pelican, owl, taohe, gannet, bag goose, bag bird

Features:A simple and honest toucan.

Pelicans often live in groups in the wild. In addition to swimming, they spend most of their time on the shore basking in the sun or patiently grooming their feathers. Pelicans have very sharp eyesight and are good at swimming and flying. Even when flying high in the sky, fish swimming in the water...

Pygoscelis antarcticus

Pygoscelis antarcticus

chinstrap penguin, Police officer penguin, Antarctic penguin, chinstrap penguin, whiskered penguin, chinstrap penguin

Features:There is a black stripe under the neck, like a naval officer's hat band, which makes it look majestic and resolute. The Soviets called it the "Police Officer Penguin".

As penguins that look like police officers, they are also very courageous and are likely to conflict with other penguins, or even fight with them.The breeding colony of chinstrap penguins is huge, usually consisting of more than 100,000 breeding pairs of penguins. Their communication is very complex...

Aythya nyroca

Aythya nyroca

Ferruginous Duck,White-eyed Pochard,Ferruginous Pochard

Features:Pochards are very good at diving, but they do not stay underwater for long. They often move around in waters rich in reeds and aquatic plants and lurk in them.

As a male white-eyed pochard, it is born with a pair of bean-sized white eyes, which are particularly prominent against the dark chestnut head. Therefore, whenever people see male white-eyed pochards, they are always "rolling their eyes", which gives people a sense of "looking at life...

Anas zonorhyncha

Anas zonorhyncha

Spot-billed duck, Valley duck, Yellow-billed duck, Fire duck, Chinese spot-billed duck, Chinese spot-billed duck, Oriental spot-billed duck,Anas zonorhyncha,Eastern Spot-billed Duck,Chinese Spot-bille

Features:It is named after the characteristics of its mouth. Its mouth is black with a yellow tip. During the breeding season, there is a black spot on the tip of the yellow mouth, like a spot.

Spot-billed duck is also called valley duck, yellow-billed duck, and fire duck. Spot-billed duck is one of the ancestors of Chinese domestic ducks, and its wild population is relatively abundant.Spot-billed ducks build their nests in grass, bushes or bamboo bushes near waters. Grass stems, grass lea...

Anser albifrons

Anser albifrons

Wild goose, spotted goose, bright spotted goose,Greater White-fronted,Goose White-fronted Goose

Features:The upper body is mostly gray-brown, with a broad white spot from the base of the upper beak to the forehead, and the lower body is white with black spots.

You can often see flocks of wild geese flying freely in the sky, sometimes in a straight line or in a V-shape.There are 5 subspecies of white-fronted geese in the world, and 2 subspecies are distributed in my country. Both are winter migratory birds. The nominate subspecies winters in western and so...

Anser indicus

Anser indicus

White-headed goose, Black-headed goose,Bar-headed Goose

Features:The highest flying bird in the world.

Bar-headed geese - they are the highest flying birds in the world. At an altitude of more than 9,000 meters, it only takes about eight hours to fly over the Himalayas.Incredibly, if the wind is favorable, they can complete a one-way flight of more than 1,600 kilometers in a few days. Its average fli...

Cygnus atratus

Cygnus atratus

Black Swan

Features:It is a world-famous ornamental bird.

In my country, swans are regarded as a symbol of beauty, auspiciousness, nobility and holiness. The black swan is the most beautiful species in the swan family. Compared with the white swan, the black swan is more elegant, rational and wise.Observing the black swan up close is like appreciating a wo...

Tadorna ferruginea

Tadorna ferruginea

Yellow duck, yellow duck, duck, red goose,Ruddy Shelduck

Features:What the ancients called "mandarin ducks".

There is a kind of "duck" that is slightly larger than a domestic duck, but has golden feathers all over its body. In fact, this is not a domestic duck, but a Ruddy Shelduck, which is a kind of bird.Speaking of lovebirds, everyone will think of the poem "I wish to be lovebirds in the...

Aurelia aurita

Aurelia aurita

Moon jellyfish, UFO jellyfish, Moon jellyfish

Features:Transparent jellyfish

Moon jellyfish feed on plankton such as mollusks, crustaceans, worms and copepods.Moon jellyfish occasionally eat gelatinous zooplankton such as hydromedusae and comb jellies.Moon jellyfish also use their stinging cells to capture plankton.Moon jellyfish live and reproduce for a few months before dy...

Tursiops aduncus

Tursiops aduncus

Southern bottlenose dolphin, Southern bottlenose dolphin, Southern dolphin, Indian Ocean bottlenose dolphin, Eastern bottlenose dolphin

Cetacea LC

Features:Bottlenose dolphins are the most common cetacean and are known for their agility.

The Indo-Pacific bottlenose dolphin has a short and thick beak that resembles a water bottle, hence the name "bottlenose". But this is not a real nose, its nostrils have evolved into a breathing hole on the top of the head.Dolphins are highly social animals and usually live in groups. The...

Lagenorhynchus obliquidens

Lagenorhynchus obliquidens

Pacific spotted dolphin, sickle-finned dolphin, Pacific white-sided dolphin, slow-moving dolphin, Pacific striped dolphin, white-striped dolphin, Pacific white-sided dolphin

Cetacea LC

Features:The most distinctive features of the Pacific spotted dolphin are its short, thick snout and prominent, sickle-shaped, two-color dorsal fin.

Pacific spotted dolphins are very active and expressive, creating large clouds of water. They often leap into the waves, sometimes spinning or flipping in the air, landing on their sides or bellies. They are good fast swimmers, and some individuals may swim together. They like to surf on the ocean w...