Macroglossus sobrinus
Macroglossus sobrinus
Features:Very short tail, very narrow teeth
Andersen's long-tongued fruit bat (<M. sobrinus>) was named by Andersen (1911) based on the specimens of Gunong Igari, Malaysia. It was originally considered to be a subspecies of the small long-tongued fruit bat (<M. m. sobrinus>). However, Medway (1969) believed that Andersen's...

Eonycteris spelaea
Features:The tongue is very long, with a brush-like protrusion on the tip and a tricuspid papilla in the center of the tongue.
The tongue of the long-tongued fruit bat is very long, with a brush-like protrusion at the tip, a tridentate papillae in the center of the tongue, and a forearm length of 47.31-51.01 mm. It is similar to the long-tongued fruit bat (Eonycteris spelaea), but the second finger has a claw, the wing memb...

Apus cooki
Apus cooki,Cook's Swift,Apus cooki
Indochinese White-rumped Swift (English name: Cook's Swift, scientific name: Apus cooki) is a bird of the genus Apus in the family Apodidae....

Apus salimalii
Salim Ali's Swift,Apus salimalii
The Tibetan White-rumped Swift (English name: Salim Ali's Swift, scientific name: Apus salimalii) is a bird of the genus Apus in the family Apodidae....

Hirundapus celebensis
Purple Needletail,Hirundapus celebensis,Purple Needletail
Features:With a completely black throat and conspicuous white eyes.
The Purple Needletail (Hirundapus celebensis) is a species of bird in the genus Hirundapus of the family Apodidae. It has a completely black throat and conspicuous white eyes. The Conservation Division of Kenting Reclamation and Management Office in Pingtung County, Taiwan, said that the Taiwan Rapt...

Cynictis penicillata
Cynictis penicillata ,Yellow mongoose, bush-tailed mongoose, yellow mongoose, red mongoose
Features:They have long claws and dig their own burrows or occupy the burrows of gray meerkats and ground rats.
Yellow mongoose (Cynictis penicillata, G. Cuvier, 1829) is a carnivorous animal of the genus Cynictis in the family Viverridae. There are 12 known subspecies.The pen-tailed mongoose lives in groups, some go out to hunt insects, while others take turns on duty. When standing, they support their bodie...

Saccoglossus hwangtauensis
Saccoglossus hwangtauensis,Huangdao long-nosed acorn worm, jade hookworm
Features:Light orange body
The snout of the Huangdao long-nosed worm is relatively long, about 1/20 of the total length, hence the name. The snout is oblate and conical, with an obvious or inconspicuous longitudinal groove on each of the central lines of the dorsal and ventral surfaces, extending from the base of the snout to...

Grylloblattella cheni
Grylloblattella cheni
Chen's western cockroach has an ancient origin, which can be traced back to the Upper Lime Period about 300 million years ago. It can be called a "living fossil" of the class Insecta. As an extremely rare insect that ordinary people rarely see, there are only a few museums in the world...

Ochotona pusilla
Ochotona pusilla
Features:The ear has a wide and very obvious white edge; below the white edge there is a very narrow band of black hair, and further down is yellowish-brown hair.
The steppe pika belongs to the subgenus <Pika>. This species has always been considered not to be distributed in my country. In September 2008, the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region Locust and Rat Control Headquarters collected specimens for the first time in Karamay in northwestern Xinjiang; t...

Pseudo-Spirited Rat
Pseudo-Spirited Rat
The species status of Pseudo-spiny rat is controversial, and it has long been considered a synonym of the needle-haired rat. The type locality of the needle-haired rat is Nepal, and the type locality of the Pseudo-spiny rat is Guadun, Fujian, and the two are far apart. Molecular phylogenetics confir...

Niviventer culturatus
Niviventer culturatus,White-tailed rat, sulfur-bellied rat, spiny gray rat, mountain rat, white-bellied rat
Features:In summer, there are more spiny guard hairs and the back hair is darker brown; in winter, there are fewer spiny guard hairs and the back hair is slightly brownish yellow.
The species status of this species is highly controversial. It has long been a synonym of Niviventer confucianus. Only recently has molecular systematic research confirmed its independent species status. This species is mainly distributed in areas above 2000m above sea level in Taiwan. The habitat a...

Niviventer andersoni
Niviventer andersoni
Features:It has a large body, a pointed snout, large ears, a pure white belly, and a clear boundary between the dorsal and ventral sides.
The species status of Andersen's white-bellied rat is stable, with three subspecies differentiation. In molecular systematics, it forms three obvious branches, but the boundaries of the branches are unclear and there is no one-to-one correspondence between the three subspecies.This species has b...

Cansumys canus
Cansumys canus,Cansumys
Features:The tail hair is uniform gray in color, gray-black at the tip, and the hair at the tip forms a tuft.
The taxonomic status of Gansu hamster is controversial. Some scholars regard Gansu hamster as an independent genus and species, some scholars regard it as an independent species of the giant hamster genus (<Tscherskia>); some scholars regard it as a subspecies of the giant hamster (<Tschers...

Alexandromys kikuchii
Alexandromys kikuchii,Kikuchi Field Vole
Features:It has the longest tail among the genus vole, and its hair base is dark slate blue (commonly known as "iron gray").
The taxonomic status of Taiwan vole is stable, but the genus-level taxonomic unit has been controversial. Many scientists put this species in the genus Vole, while some scientists have put it in the genus Vole (<Volemys>). Molecular systematic studies have confirmed that this taxonomic unit be...

Eothenomys fidelis
Eothenomys fidelis,Southwestern woolly rat
The Lijiang woolly mouse belongs to the genus Eothenomys. The species status is unstable and controversial. The type locality is Lijiang, Yunnan. Some scientists regard it as a synonym of the black-bellied woolly mouse (<Eothenomys melanogaster>), and some scientists regard it as a synonym of...

Eothenomys shimianensis
Eothenomys shimianensis
Asbestos woolly rat is a new species published by Liu Shaoying et al. in 2018, and its type locality is located in Shimian County, Sichuan. In the phylogenetic tree constructed based on the mitochondrial genome, asbestos woolly rat and Kachin woolly rat constitute sister groups, and in the phylogene...

Eothenomys custos
Eothenomys custos,
Features:The tail is relatively short, most of which are less than half the body length.
The southwestern woolly rat belongs to the subgenus <Anteliomys> of the genus <Anteliomys>, and its species-level status is stable. There are currently 4 subspecies under the species, all distributed in Yunnan. The nominate subspecies <E. c. custos> (Thomas, 1912), the type localit...

Eospalax rufescens
Eospalax rufescens,Eospalax fontanierii,Eospalax cansus
Features:The tips of the hairs are rust-colored, and some older individuals are bright rust-red.
The classification status of Qinling zokor at both genus and species levels is controversial. At the genus level, some scholars regard it as the subgenus Myospalax of the genus Myospalax, while some believe that the subgenus Myospalax is an independent genus. At the species level, many people regard...

Petaurista sybilla
Petaurista sybilla,Petaurista elegans
The orange flying squirrel lives in subtropical evergreen broad-leaved forests or dark coniferous forests at medium and high altitudes. Its food mainly consists of fruits, seeds, and young branches and leaves of plants....

Petaurisa philippensis
Petaurisa philippensis,Philippine flying squirrel, Giant flying squirrel
Features:The fur is thick, with white and grayish-white tips densely covering the head and back, as if covered with a layer of frost.
Frost-backed flying squirrels live in tropical and subtropical areas, mostly choosing dense tall tree forests. They build nests in tree crowns or tree holes. Their food mainly consists of fruits, seeds, tender branches and leaves of plants, and they also eat insects.Listed in the "List of Terre...

Urocynchramus pylzowi
Urocynchramus pylzowi,Pink-tailed Bunting,Pink-tailed Rosefinch,Ground hemp
Features:There is a gap between the upper and lower edges of the mouth, and the upper edge of the mouth is swollen near the base
Pink-tailed Bunting is a species of the family Pinnipedae, with no subspecies.Pink-tailed Bunting is usually silent. Its call is a rapid chitri-chitri-chitri-chitri. It emits a clear, silvery bell-like call of "kvuit, kvuit" when flying or giving warning. The red bunting usually moves alon...