The Three-Pagoda Chinese Bird is the earliest known flying bird in the world.

The Three-Pagoda Chinese Bird is the earliest known flying bird in the world.

Early birds were still very poor in number and variety, and the chance of being ···

The great discovery of the Jehol Biota in western Liaoning, China

The great discovery of the Jehol Biota in western Liaoning, China

In 1928, the famous American geological paleontologist Professor Gripp published···

Morphological characteristics and evolution of Archaeopteryx

Morphological characteristics and evolution of Archaeopteryx

In 1861, the oldest bird fossil was discovered in the Upper Jurassic limestone (···

The Discovery History of Dinosaurs and Mesozoic Reptiles

The Discovery History of Dinosaurs and Mesozoic Reptiles

The earliest skeleton fossil of a large reptile that came to the attention of th···

Comet impact theory of dinosaur extinction

Comet impact theory of dinosaur extinction

This hypothesis about the cause of the extinction of the dinosaurs believes that···

Immunodeficiency that led to the extinction of the dinosaurs

Immunodeficiency that led to the extinction of the dinosaurs

Some scientists believe that the current theories on the extinction of dinosaurs···

Theory of atmospheric composition changes in the extinction of dinosaurs

Theory of atmospheric composition changes in the extinction of dinosaurs

The mass extinction of the dinosaurs at the end of the Cretaceous is an eternal ···

Sudden climate change theory of dinosaur extinction

Sudden climate change theory of dinosaur extinction

According to data obtained from deep-sea geological drilling, some scientists be···

Reproductive frustration theory and evidence for the extinction of dinosaurs

Reproductive frustration theory and evidence for the extinction of dinosaurs

At present, egg fossils of ancient reptiles, especially dinosaur egg fossils, ha···

Massive submarine volcanic eruption that wiped out the dinosaurs

Massive submarine volcanic eruption that wiped out the dinosaurs

The famous Italian physicist Antonio Chicchi recently proposed that the cause of···

The asteroid impact theory that led to the extinction of the dinosaurs

The asteroid impact theory that led to the extinction of the dinosaurs

At a scientific symposium in 1980, American geologist Alvarez and others vividly···

Theories and theories on the causes of the mass extinction of dinosaurs

Theories and theories on the causes of the mass extinction of dinosaurs

Dinosaur fossils have been discovered in recent years. New species are being dis···

Physical characteristics of Kunmingsaurus (one of the earliest sauropod dinosaurs)

Physical characteristics of Kunmingsaurus (one of the earliest sauropod dinosaurs)

In the Jurassic dinosaur world, there was a giant dinosaur. They eat plants and ···

The extinction, survival and evolution of dinosaurs

The extinction, survival and evolution of dinosaurs

About 208 million years ago, a mysterious worldwide disaster caused the extincti···

The physical characteristics and living habits of Angelosaurus

The physical characteristics and living habits of Angelosaurus

Although Angelosaurus was discovered as early as 1818, it wasn't until 1885 that···

Body characteristics and living habits of Longospondylus

Body characteristics and living habits of Longospondylus

About 208 million years ago, a global catastrophe wiped out many species of anim···

The physical characteristics and living habits of Lufengosaurus

The physical characteristics and living habits of Lufengosaurus

Lufengosaurus is one of the earliest paleopod dinosaurs discovered in my country···

Physical characteristics and living habits of Yunnanosaurus

Physical characteristics and living habits of Yunnanosaurus

At the beginning of the Jurassic period, many types of dinosaurs lived on every ···

Body characteristics and living habits of Plateosaurus (the earliest vegetarian dinosaur)

Body characteristics and living habits of Plateosaurus (the earliest vegetarian dinosaur)

Less than 15 million years after the earliest dinosaurs - those small carnivores···

The physical characteristics of the construction air dragon (the overlord of Dashanpu)

The physical characteristics of the construction air dragon (the overlord of Dashanpu)

There are no less than 6 individuals in the dinosaur fauna of Dashanpu, among wh···