Brazilian Highland Fox (Scientific name: Lycalopex vetulus) Foreign name Hoary Fox, Hoary Zorro, no subspecies.
Brazilian Highland Fox generally acts alone, although occasionally appears in pairs. Burrowing, often using abandoned armadillo holes. It is nocturnal and spends a lot of time digging holes during the day. It is omnivorous, feeding mainly on insects, preying on termites, small animals, etc., and also eating fruits. The fox is an opportunist, and its diet varies greatly, depending on the season and habitat. It generally feeds on seed pods, especially those of mesquite and mitochondrial plants that grow in the bush, and can be completely herbivorous. It also eats insects, rodents, bird eggs and carrion. It can survive for a long time without drinking water, getting water from its food.
The Brazilian highland fox is monogamous, and the breeding season consists of a small group of two adult foxes and cubs (3-5), and the male fox generally forages alone. The gestation period is 60 days, and the cubs are born in early autumn from October to November, with 2-4 in each litter. Although the role of males in this species has not been confirmed, in many other fox cubs are cared for by males and females, but in this species, it is likely that males play the role of caring for cubs.
The Brazilian Highland Fox lives in a few protected areas throughout its range. The species is listed as Least Concern on the Red List and Near Threatened in the Minas Gerais state list. Hunting and wildlife trade are generally prohibited in Brazil. However, there are no specific laws for fox hunting. The species lives in several zoos in Brazil, including Brasilia, Sao Paulo, Ribeirão Preto, Belo Horizonte, Teresina. High mortality rates due to starvation in captured cubs are reported, so there are no plans to reintroduce wild foxes into the wild.
Listed in the 2008 IUCN Red List of Threatened Species, ver 3.1 - Least Concern (LC).
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