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Jack Russell Terrier

2022-08-06 17:32:17 164
Jack Russell Terrier

Name:Jack Russell Terrier






Life:12.7 year


Trait:Personality: Playful, gentle, cute

Jack Russell Terrier Life habits and morphological characteristics

Eyes almond-shaped, dark, medium-sized and not prominent. Eye rims dark. Button ears, flat on skull, fairly wide between ears, tapering to eyes. Stop well defined but not prominent. Jaws well defined and very powerful. Nose black and well pigmented. Teeth large and tight, meeting in a perfect scissor bite. Neck clean and muscular, slightly arched, of moderate length, widening gradually towards shoulders. Topline strong, straight, slightly arched at loin. Body length in proportion to height at withers, nearly square, well proportioned. Chest narrow and of moderate depth, powerful but not heavy, flexible and compact. Ribs well sprung, not deep to elbows. Tail set high. Shoulders long and sloping, well set into back. Feet round, cat-like, very compact, with thick, hard pads. Toes moderately arched, not turning in or out. Hindquarters are strong and muscular, smooth, with ample bone, well-angled stifles, and hocks close to the ground, perpendicular to each other, providing propulsion durin

Jack Russell Terrier Distribution range and habitat

Originated from the UK

Jack Russell Terrier Detailed Introduction

The Jack Russell Terrier is a lively, energetic, and group-loving working dog breed.


       In 1819, a pastor named Jack Russell bred the ancestor of this breed. So it was named Jack Russell Terrier. At that time, the fur color was only black and white. And the limbs were also longer. Later, in order to let it hunt foxes, the technicians improved its breed. So what it is best at is digging holes. This is its exclusive skill, and others can't learn it even if they want to!

If you have watched "The Secret Life of Pets", you will definitely be captured by Max's loyalty, courage, wit, cuteness, and enthusiasm. It looks at you with its big watery eyes, making you want to pick it up and smooth its hair. Whenever it sees an acquaintance, it will immediately stand up its tail and swing it as if to show its friendliness to us. "Vampire Dog", which was released earlier than "The Secret Life of Pets", is a light-hearted and funny children's movie. In it, the protagonist ACE is an ordinary but extraordinary student. He is ordinary because he is no different from other classmates. He is extraordinary because his 96-year-old grandfather passed away. After his grandfather passed away, he left ACE a puppy with a high IQ. This is a high-end and classy dog who loves to drink cranberry juice. Not only can he teleport and speak human language, but he also has magic power, which looks very cool! Whether it is "The Secret Life of Pets" or "Vampire Dog", there is a prototype in real life, that is, the famous Jack Russell Terrier from England.

Jack Russell Terriers are easily excited and have a very lively personality, so whether it is a familiar person or a stranger who has just met, it will treat them very enthusiastically. Jack Russell Terriers are active at home, love to play, and are very energetic. As long as you pay attention to it and accompany it, it will be happy all day long.

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