
Some facts about Argentinosaurus

2023-04-03 07:20:27 195

Argentinosaurus is rarely found. This is a model of one of the dinosaur's giant vertebrae (backbones) on display at the Natural History Museum in Los Angeles.

Giant vertebra on display in the museum

Weight: 70 tons

Length: 35 meters

The titanosaur Argentinosaurus was another of the largest land animals that ever lived. But it's only known from fragmentary remains, which makes calculating its size and especially its weight tricky.

The fossil of this dinosaur was discovered in Neuquen Province, Argentina. It was first discovered in 1987. Paleontologists found fossils of its leg bones, some vertebrae and ribs, and part of its sacrum (a group of fused vertebrae at its base). spine).

Argentinosaurus lived during the late Cretaceous period about 90 million years ago. It is estimated

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