
Dangers of flies

2023-03-19 11:17:38 328

There are also many diseases spread by flies, including enteritis, dysentery, typhoid, cholera, etc. House flies are the most common type of flies. They have lots of hair on their bodies and legs and like to eat feces and rotting plants and animals. When flies land on our food, they may have come from dirty feces. They carry thousands of bacteria in their bodies, thus contaminating human food. After people eat these foods, most of the bacteria die when passing through the human stomach, but the immortal bacteria enter the intestines and the toxins secreted are absorbed. It can cause congestion, edema, ulcers and bleeding in the large intestine through the action of nerves and body fluids. Patients suffering from dysentery present with abdominal pain, diarrhea or high fever, red and white pus mixed in the stool, and become very weak. The main symptoms of typhoid fever are rising body temperature, slow pulse, and abnormal bowel movements. On the seventh to tenth day, red rashes appeared on the lower chest and abdomen. If patients do not receive good care and treatment, the mortality rate is high. Cholera is also a very dangerous disease, with sudden onset, severe vomiting and diarrhea, and muscle spasms. The mortality rate is high. Therefore, eliminating flies is an important measure to ensure human health.

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