Galloperdix lunulata: Painted Spurfowl, no subspecies.
The breeding and nesting season runs from January to June, but most activity occurs from February to May. In the Deccan Highlands, for example, this nesting time usually takes place in August. The nest is built under a rock or tree root, in a small depression, and paved with grass and leaves. It will also be embedded in a thick cushion inside a bamboo bed. Each clutch lays 3-4 eggs, rarely 5, and the eggs are pale in color and very similar to those laid by domestic chickens in neighboring small villages. The duration of incubation is unknown. But it is thought that it is incubated by the female chicken alone, but both sexes are involved in brooding.
Listed on the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) 2016 Red List of Threatened Species ver 3.1 - Not Threatened (LC).
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