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Ptilopachus nahani

2023-02-04 08:27:22 162

Ptilopachus nahani, foreign name Nahan' s Partridge is a traditional bird in the pheasant family. As its other name suggests, it was previously considered a partridge (Francolin) and placed in the genus Francolinus or Pternistis, but it was eventually determined that its closest relative was the stone quill, It may in fact be the only African representative of the New World, "Odontophoridae".

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Listed on the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) 2016 Red List of Threatened Species ver 3.1 - Vulnerable (VU).

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This endangered species is found in the rainforests of northeastern Democratic Republic of Congo and western Uganda and is threatened by habitat loss and hunting.
It is 26 cm long and weighs 308 grams. It is a relatively small land bird with a red eye ring, red leg claws, a tan upper body with deep dark markings, and a head to lower body composed of black and white feathers.