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Rhizothera dulitensis

2023-02-05 10:35:07 186

Dulit Partridge, Rhizothera dulitensis, was once a subspecies of partridge. Specific habits are unknown.

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Listed on the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) 2016 Red List of Threatened Species ver 3.1 - Vulnerable (VU).

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Restricted to the mountain forests below Borneo in Malaysia. The species was first discovered and recorded at Dulit and later found at Mount Murud and Mount Batu Song in northern Sarawak. In 1895, Ebret collected two specimens on Mount Kinabalu in Sabah, but nothing has been recorded since.
The upper body is brown. Once a subspecies of partridge, similar to partridge but having a reddish-brown belly and grayish-brown flanks with white spots on the wings. Legs and claws yellow. The difference with the long-billed partridge is that the chest is twice as gray in width and the belly is not bright orange or light yellow.