Partridge finschi (scientific name: Scleroptila finschi) foreign name Finsch' s Francolin, no subspecies.

The partridge is a land bird that flies quickly when in danger, but usually runs away in panic. Scour the ground for insects and plant seeds, feeding on weeds, roots, seeds, young leaves and crops, as well as insects and invertebrates. Also recorded eating in burnt areas.
Partridges are monogamous and usually act in pairs. The breeding season is usually in the dry season from January, March to July after the rainy season, and in Angola it is June. The nest is built on the ground hidden in dense grass. Each clutch lays 3-8 eggs.
Listed on the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) 2016 Red List of Threatened Species ver 3.1 - Not Threatened (LC).
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