The rock Pigeon (Columba rupestris) is known as Hill Pigeon and has two subspecies.
Rock pigeons often travel in groups. They feed in small groups in the valleys and plains. Sometimes they form large groups of nearly 100 animals. Sex is more docile. The call is "goo goo", similar to that of a pigeon. Nodding while tweeting. Mainly to plant seeds, fruits, bulbs, roots and other plant food for food, but also eat wheat, green naked, grain, corn, rice, beans and other crop seeds.
The breeding period of rock pigeons is from April to July. Nest in mountain rock crevices and cliff caves. In plain areas, nests are also built on top of ancient towers and tall buildings. In Tibetan areas, nests are also sometimes built in the holes in the walls and under the eaves of abandoned houses. The nest is made of thin branches, dead grass and feathers. In a disc shape. Each litter usually lays 2 eggs, and may breed 2 broods a year. The eggs are white in color, 35-38×26-28 mm in size, and weigh 12-13 grams. Male and female birds incubate their eggs in turn. Incubation period is 18 days. Young birds are late sex.
Listed on the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) 2012 Red List of Threatened Species ver 3.1 - Not Threatened (LC).
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