The Snow Pigeon (Columba leuconota) has two subspecies.
Snow pigeons are resident birds. Often move in groups. It mainly feeds on plant foods such as grass seeds, wild leguminous seeds and berries. Also eat highland barley, rapeseed, peas, green beans, corn and other crops.
Snow pigeons breed from April to July. Maybe 2 broods a year. They often breed together in groups. Usually the nest is in the high mountains hanging rock cliff stone crevices. They are also sometimes found nesting in holes in the walls and ceilings of abandoned houses on the Tibetan Plateau in China. The nest consists mainly of dead twigs, dead grass and feathers. Usually 2 eggs are laid per litter, occasionally 3 or 1. The size of the eggs is 31-43 mm x 26-31 mm. The male and female incubate the eggs in turn. Incubation period is 17-19 days.
It was included in the List of Beneficial Terrestrial Wildlife under State Protection or of Important economic and scientific research Value issued by the State Forestry Administration of China on August 1, 2000.
Listed in the International Union for Conservation of Nature Red List of Threatened Species (IUCN) for 2016 ver 3.1 - Not Threatened (LC).
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