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Columba albitorques

2023-02-08 12:55:49 160

The White collar Pigeon is Columba albitorques, and the foreign name is white-collared pigeon.

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Listed in the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) ver 3.1: Red List of Birds 2010.

Protect wild animals and eliminate wild meat.

Maintaining ecological balance is everyone's responsibility!

It is distributed in central and southern Africa, including the southern part of the Arabian Peninsula and the entire African continent south of the Sahara Desert (Tropic of Cancer).
Medium body size, 32 ~ 37cm in length. The body is blue and gray, the color coordination is not messy, the wings have black spots, the biggest feature is that the back pillow has a half ring pure white "white collar". The head is small, the neck is thick and short, and the feathers are soft and dense. The mouth is short, the mouth base has a wax film, and the feet are short and strong, suitable for walking on the ground. All four toes are in the same plane and there is no webbing between the toes.