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Do turtles need to hibernate? ——Detailed explanation of turtles' hibernation habits

2025-03-07 14:56:03 8

1. Do turtles need to hibernate?

Yes, some turtles need to hibernate, but not all turtles will hibernate.

Whether a turtle hibernates depends on the species, living environment and temperature.

  • Temperate and cold zone turtles (such as grass turtles, yellow-throated terrapins, European pond turtles) will hibernate to adapt to the cold environment.

  • Tropical turtles (such as red-eared sliders, egg-laying turtles, and sulcata tortoises) usually do not hibernate because they come from warm areas and cannot tolerate low temperatures.


2. Which turtles need to hibernate?

Turtles that need to hibernate (adapt to low temperatures):

  • Tortoise (Chinese turtle)

  • Yellow-throated turtle

  • European pond turtle

  • North American wood turtle

  • Spotted pond turtle

  • Snapping turtle (partial individuals)

Turtles that do not need to hibernate (fear of cold, need constant temperature):

  • Red-eared slider

  • Egg-laying turtles (musk turtles, razorback turtles, etc.)

  • Sulcata tortoise

  • Leopard tortoise

  • Asian giant tortoise

  • Yellow-margined box turtle

animal tags: turtles