Alias Niviventer confucianus,Niviventer confucianus chiliensis,Niviventer confucianus confucianus,Rattus rattus, sulfur-bellied rattus, white-tailed star rattus, spiny gray rattus
Family Rodentia Muridae Rattus
The Northern Society Rat belongs to the Murinae subfamily. The species-level classification status is stable, with many subspecies and some controversy. In appearance, it is somewhat confused with the Niviventer excelsior and Niviventer fulvescens. However, the Niviventer excelsior is larger, with a pure white abdomen and a subtle brown fur on the back; the Niviventer fulvescens has a pure white abdomen and a brown-red fur on the back, with a lot of needle hair. The distribution habitat is diverse and the altitude span is also large, ranging from 400-3000m. Vegetation types include shrubs, farmland, broad-leaved forests, coniferous forests, etc.