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Alexandromys kikuchii

2022-12-01 18:24:31 170

The taxonomic status of Taiwan vole is stable, but the genus-level taxonomic unit has been controversial. Many scientists put this species in the genus Vole, while some scientists have put it in the genus Vole (<Volemys>). Molecular systematic studies have confirmed that this taxonomic unit belongs to the genus Vole.

Listed in the 2008 Red List of Endangered Species of the World Conservation Union (IUCN) ver 3.1 - Near Threatened (NT).

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It is endemic to China and is only distributed in Taiwan, China.
The tail is very long, exceeding 70% of the body length, which is very rare among voles. It is the species with the longest tail length ratio in the genus Microtus. The individual is also large, with a body length of about 120mm. The morphology of the palatine bone and molars is typical of voles. The rear edge of the palatine bone is connected to the pterygoid bone to form a longitudinal ridge, with obvious pterygoid fossa on both sides; the molars are composed of triangular tooth rings arranged on the left and right. The auditory bulla is large.