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Niviventer coxingi

2022-12-02 10:24:25 329

The taxonomic status of this species is stable and there is little controversy. It is distributed in tropical evergreen broad-leaved forests, forest edges and shrubs below 2000m above sea level.




It is endemic to China and is only distributed in Taiwan.
The individual is large, and it is one of the largest species of the genus Lepidoptera. The body length is 160-205mm, the tail length is 174-262mm; the hind leg length is 30-37mm. The dorsal fur of the body is soft, with elastic soft spines and harder needle hairs; the fur on the back is reddish brown to yellowish brown; the abdomen is creamy white, and the dorsal and ventral boundaries are obvious. The tail is slightly shorter than the body length, or slightly longer than the body length, generally 105%-125% of the body length; the upper and lower tails are two-colored, the ventral side is grayish white, and the dorsal side is yellowish brown. The dorsal side of the foot is brown, the sides are white, and the fingers (toes) are white. The ears are brown-black. The antennae are very long. The individual is large, and it is one of the largest species of the genus Lepidoptera. The body length is 160-205mm, the tail length is 174-262mm; the hind leg length is 30-37mm. The dorsal fur of th