
The world's ten most immortal tropical fish

2023-04-26 06:22:43 378

The world's ten most immortal tropical fish

As a pet, tropical fish are not easy to care for. However, some tropical fish are called "tropical fish that cannot die" due to their tenacious physique and adaptability to the environment. Here are ten such tropical fish:


1. Red-tailed Black Shark: This is a very strong tropical fish that can survive in any water condition, even in low-oxygen environments.


2. Silver Arowana: Silver Arowana is a large tropical fish that is very strong and can survive in colder water quality and does not have high requirements for water quality.

3. Guppy (Peacock Cichlid): Guppy is a small tropical fish that is very beautiful and does not have high requirements for water quality, but it does need enough exercise.


4. Koi: Koi is a large freshwater fish that is very strong and does not have high requirements for water quality, but it does require sufficient exercise and a proper diet.

5. Moonlight fish: Moonlight fish, also known as piebald swordtail fish, is an important species of tropical fish. Moonlight fish has very strong adaptability to the environment and temperature. It can adapt to water temperatures of 18-28°C and can withstand starvation for a long time. Half a month old, it will not die easily, and it is not picky about food. It loves to be quiet and is docile and gentle when swimming and looking for food. It is easier to raise.

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6. Chinese Sturgeon: This is an endangered species that is very strong and can survive in colder water conditions, but requires sufficient exercise and a proper diet.


7. Four belts without beard 

The four-banded and bearded cat has four black vertical stripes on its sides. The male's snout is bright red, and the female's body has fewer markings. Currently it mainly inhabits streams in Sumatra and Borneo in Indonesia. It has a gentle temperament and likes to travel in groups. It is omnivorous and feeds on worms, crustaceans, insects, plants, etc. The four-banded catfish has tenacious vitality and can survive in weakly acidic or weakly alkaline water, making it easy to raise.


8. Golden triangle lamp

Golden triangle lantern is a kind of triangle lantern fish, also known as red and blue triangle lantern. The body of the adult fish is a relatively flat spindle shape, and the dorsal fin, pelvic fin, anal fin, and tail fin are all transparent, starting from the middle part of the fish body to the tail fin. , there is a triangle similar to a sickle, which reflects blue light when swimming. The Golden Triangle Lamp has a gentle and sensitive temperament. It is a carnivorous and omnivorous fish. It likes to eat flake feed and small live bait. It is relatively simple to raise in daily life, so it is loved by the majority of fish lovers.


9. Rat fish

Rat fish, also known as soldier catfish, is named "rat fish" because of the two small "whiskers" growing on the side of its mouth, which resemble small mice swimming in the water. Like other fish, ratfish have bony plates and hard spines on their bodies to protect themselves. And it can also use the rich blood vessel in the back end of the intestine to breathe air on the water surface to survive drought or insufficient dissolved oxygen in the water. Its survival durability is far superior to other tropical fish. The most representative species include moss rat fish, three-room rat fish, panda rat fish, etc.

10. Lan Manlong

Blue Manlong, also known as Blue Samsung and Three-Pointed Betta, is an artificial mutant fish. Its whole body is blue-gray with two irregular dark blue patches on its sides, making it highly ornamental. Blue Manlong can live in water with low oxygen content. When the water body is hypoxic, it can go to the surface to swallow air. It is also extremely resistant to low temperatures and can live in water temperatures above 11.5°C.

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