
Top ten easy-to-raise pigeons, top ten recommended rankings of ornamental pigeons

2024-04-10 03:56:27 13

There are more than 600 species of ornamental pigeons in the world, and my country has its own unique and diverse system of ornamental pigeons. According to incomplete statistics, there are more than 200 different species of pigeons. Regarding the question of which ornamental pigeons are most suitable for raising, today we have compiled the top ten easy-to-raise ornamental pigeons for your reference, including black jade-winged pigeons, Chinese point pigeons, peacock pigeons, Chinese blue pigeons, somersault pigeons, black soap pigeons, Nun Pigeon et al. Let’s get to know these adorable pigeons together.


Nicobar Pigeon

1. Black Jade-winged Pigeon


The Black Jade-winged Pigeon is often listed as a recommended choice for ornamental pigeons. Colloquially known as the white-winged dove, it is also known as "jade wings" or "jade bars". For this kind of pigeon, it is generally required that the number of white feathers on both wings is excellent, at least seven or more. There is also a saying of "seven on the left and eight on the right", which means at least four white feathers. In addition, the Black Jade Winged Pigeon also has a series of characteristics requirements, including a round head, a convex and large crown, a small and round mouth, black grape-shaped eyes, bluish-white eyelids, wide, and a well-proportioned body. Among them, the purple bright-winged pigeon is a rare species in the black jade-winged pigeon series, and its high quality makes it even more precious.

2. Chinese Idea Pigeon


Among domestic ornamental pigeons, the Pied Pigeon enjoys a high reputation and is one of the outstanding pigeons that has attracted much attention in our country. Compared with well-known pigeon breeds in the world, the pip pigeon is known as a representative of highly cultivated pigeons, and it is well deserved. Its long history and outstanding performance make it stand out. Dove pigeons are divided into five categories based on their appearance: black doves, which are white all over, with a black tail, black spots on the forehead, black on the beak and white on the lower part; purple doves, which are white all over, with a purple tail and purple dots on the forehead; blue doves , the whole body is white, the tail is blue, and there are blue spots on the forehead; the iron-winged dot is a dot with black wings; the copper-winged dot is a dot with purple wings.

3. Peacock Pigeon


The fantail pigeon, commonly known as the peacock pigeon, is a popular and easy-to-care for ornamental pigeon. This kind of pigeon has a long history and originated in India. Now it can be found in Asian countries as well as the United Kingdom, France, Germany, the United States and other places. It is especially common in Tianjin, China. The overall body shape of peacock pigeons usually shows a saddle shape, but due to differences in their origin, their shapes also have unique characteristics. After improvements by pigeon enthusiasts in the United Kingdom and the United States, peacock pigeons have become more and more erect, their chests appear more plump and prominent, and their heads are tilted back and close to their backs, showing a gorgeous posture comparable to that of peacocks. Peacock pigeons have a gentle temperament, are easy to raise, and are good at taking care of young pigeons, so they are very popular.

4. Chinese Blue Pigeon


Some of the ornamental pigeons are often used for performances, and the Chinese blue pigeon is one of the representatives. It has a long history of more than 700 years and is one of the famous ancient pigeon breeds in China. In the imperial era, it was a beloved pet in the palace and was used by the harem ladies, nobles, concubines and eunuchs. It was often used for performing activities such as playing soaring games, flying high and traveling far away, and it was extremely popular for a while. In the competitions held by the modern High Flying Pigeon Association and the Resistant Flying Pigeon Association, the Chinese blue pigeons have always maintained their peak condition, flying cleanly, competing with other pigeons on the same stage, showing their extraordinary flying skills, no less than Other pigeon breeds.

5. Somersault pigeon


Among the top ten ornamental pigeons, the somersault pigeon is famous for its superb somersault skills, as its name suggests. As a pigeon with a long history, the somersault pigeon is small in size, but has strong physical fitness and strong adaptability to the environment. The trained looping pigeon is known as the "master of aerial art performance" when performing in the air. Once it hears the signal from the breeder, the somersault pigeon will dive quickly and complete several somersaults in succession. They can roll and rotate continuously with themselves as the axis. After reaching the predetermined position, they can quickly take off again, continuing to display graceful somersaults and showing their unique performance talents.

6. Black soap pigeon


When raising ornamental pigeons, which pigeon is best to choose? I personally highly recommend the black soap pigeon, which is an ancient pigeon originating from our country with a long history. Black soap pigeons are all black in appearance, relatively small in size, with a round head, short mouth, and slightly raised nose. They are divided into two types: black grape eyes and golden eyes. These pigeons have excellent memory and can develop habits and even strong conditioned reflexes to fixed feeds, feeding management plans, environmental conditions and calling signals. They can quickly form a close relationship with the people who care for them regularly and learn their words and actions by heart. In addition, black soap pigeons have a strong homing instinct. No matter whether they are released dozens or hundreds of miles away, they always try their best to return to the direction of "home" as quickly as possible, showing a strong sense of returning home. These qualities make the Black Soap Pigeon one of the most highly regarded pigeons in ornamental pigeon breeding.

7. Nun Pigeon


The nun's pigeon, also known as the nun's pigeon, is an easy-to-keep ornamental pigeon. They are small in size, grow evenly, and are white all over. Their heads, mouths, wing feathers, and tail feathers show various patterns, and other colors can also be seen, such as black, yellow, brown, gray, etc. Among them, black pigeons with patterns are considered to be the best of this type of pigeons, and they have a gentle and friendly personality. They like to be close to their owners and often fly to their owners, so they are very popular and not difficult to understand. Such pigeons do not need to be caged and can move freely.

8. Unicorn Pigeon


The Kirin Pigeon is an extremely unique type of pigeon with brilliant colors and the markings on its body resemble the scales of the mythical Kirin, hence its name. Although it belongs to the homing pigeon category, the Qilin flower pigeon serves as a good-looking representative in the homing pigeon world, enjoys the same treatment as ornamental pigeons, and is a high-quality racing pigeon. There are usually two varieties: red gray and black gray. If a pigeon with unicorn feathers is used as a parent, its offspring often show obvious genetic characteristics, which are highly heritable and can often be seen in the next generation of young pigeons. The appearance of unicorn flowers and feathers.

9. Lady Pigeon


Lady Pigeon is a highly sought-after ornamental pigeon in the market. It has a gentle and lovely personality, elegant and beautiful body, and is deeply loved by many pigeon lovers. It enjoys high recognition among pigeon fanciers and has the best sales among all ornamental pigeons. Although its reproductive capacity is slightly insufficient, the grain output ratio of lady pigeons is still very high, so the price in the ornamental pigeon market is relatively stable.

10. Yuanbao Pigeon


The Yuanbao pigeon is also one of the easy-to-raise ornamental pigeon species. Its chest is rounded like a ball, and it looks generous and kind. It has a steady gait and is not good at flying. When viewed from a distance, its body shape looks like a "Yuanbao" V-shaped features, chest upright and head held high, tail feathers short and upturned. This type of pigeons can even be raised freely in a small yard at home like chickens. They have strong disease resistance and are good at raising young chicks. The disadvantage is that their reproduction rate is low. For a pair of excellent Yuanbao pigeons, first of all, their plumage color should be pure and uniform, and their mental state should be good.


Three-toothed Pigeon

animal tags: pigeon