
Where is the hometown of dinosaurs?

2023-05-07 22:27:34 180

Dinosaurs have lived on Earth for about 150 million years, and their fossil remains are scattered all over the world. Therefore, there is no specific place that can be called the "home of dinosaurs". However, there are some areas that are famous for their rich dinosaur fossils.

The Gobi Desert in Mongolia and China's Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region are among the most famous dinosaur fossil excavation sites in the world. The geological conditions and climatic environment in these areas are very suitable for preserving dinosaur fossils. In these areas, scientists have discovered many important dinosaur fossils, such as Tyrannosaurus, Ceratops, and Ovis.

In addition, Montana and South Dakota in the United States and Alberta in Canada are also important areas for dinosaur fossil excavation. In these areas, scientists have discovered many representative dinosaur fossils, such as Tyrannosaurus, Triceratops, Brontosaurus, etc.

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