
Top 10 Flying Dinosaurs

2023-05-07 22:30:55 405

Some dinosaurs could fly, and these dinosaurs are called pterosaurs. Here are the top 10 flying dinosaurs:

1. Pterodactylus

2. Rhamphorhynchus

3. Pterodaustro

4. Quetzalcoatlus

5. Pseudochampsa

6. Tapejara

7. Cryodrakon

8. Hatzegopteryx

9. Dsungaripterus

10. Spur-toothed pterosaur (Dorygnathus)

These pterosaurs had different wing forms and bone structures, which allowed them to adapt to their respective flight methods. For example, Pterodactyl, Long-tailed Pterosaur and Brachytailed Pterosaur are typical two-winged pterosaurs, while Megalodon may be more like a glider, with a wingspan of up to 12-13 meters.

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