
Why does a tortoise's shell turn yellow?

2023-05-15 15:50:11 407

The yellowing of a tortoise's shell may be caused by a variety of reasons. Here are some common reasons:

1. Turtles lack sunbathing: Turtles need enough ultraviolet rays and natural sunlight to synthesize vitamin D3 and absorb calcium. Lack of sunbathing will lead to problems such as yellowing, softening and deformation of the turtle shell.

2. Improper diet: During the growth process, tortoises need adequate nutritional intake, including protein, vitamins, minerals, etc. If the diet is improper or lacks certain necessary nutrients, the turtle shell will turn yellow.

3. Poor breeding environment: Tortoises need a dry, ventilated, and temperature-friendly breeding environment. If the humidity of the breeding environment is too high, the temperature is low, or the air is not circulated, it will affect the health of the tortoise.

4. Disease infection: The yellowing of the tortoise shell may also be due to a certain disease infection in the body, so timely treatment is recommended.

In view of the yellowing of the tortoise's shell, it is recommended to contact the nearest local regular pet hospital for further diagnosis and treatment. At the same time, check whether there are any problems in the breeding environment, and pay attention to giving the tortoise adequate sunbathing and a suitable diet.

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