
Is the white-lipped turtle a deepwater turtle?

2023-05-15 16:27:40 163

Yes, the White-lipped Turtle is a deep-water turtle. They are an aquatic turtle species native to Asia and in their natural environment typically live in freshwater bodies of water such as rivers, lakes and ponds.

The white-lipped turtle is a larger turtle species and can grow to over 30 centimeters. They have round shells that are dark brown or black, often with a distinct white lip, hence the name "white lip."

As deep water turtles, white-lipped turtles need to be provided with adequate swimming space and clear water to maintain their health and happiness. At the same time, it is also necessary to provide enough land space for them to bask in the sun and rest.

It should be noted that the white-lipped turtle is a protected species and is listed on the endangered species list in many countries. If you plan to keep a white-lipped turtle, make sure you purchase it from a legal source and comply with local wildlife regulations.

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