
How many varieties of chickens are there?

2023-05-17 07:37:20 247

Chicken is a global poultry species with many different breeds and subspecies. According to data from the World Livestock Association, there are more than 500 chicken breeds in the world. These varieties can usually be classified based on size, color, use, origin, and other factors.

Here are some of the more common chicken breeds:

1. Broiler chickens: such as meat-type Baodao chicken, Chongqing White Feather, Chai chicken, etc., usually grow rapidly and have delicious meat.

2. Egg-type chickens: such as egg-type Baodao, Lingnan excellent chicken, Rhode Island red, etc., are usually smaller in size and have higher egg production.

3. Pheasants: Such as turtle doves, peacocks, turkeys, etc., are all descendants of primitive birds, and their appearance and behavior are different from traditional domestic chickens.

4. Rare birds: such as peacocks, red-crowned cranes, swans, etc., are generally regarded as ornamental birds or decorative birds. Their meat is delicious but expensive.

5. Native chicken: Chicken breeds that have evolved naturally in various regions, such as Quanzhou Silky Chicken, Nanjing Ditan Silky Chicken, etc., which have a unique taste and strong local characteristics.

These are just some of the more common breeds; there are actually many other types of chickens, each with their own unique characteristics and uses.

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