
What are the endangered animals?

2023-05-18 08:44:36 206

Endangered animal species are diverse, some of which include:

1. Eastern lowland gorilla: This is one of the largest primates in Africa, and its habitat is threatened by destruction, disease and illegal hunting.

2. South China tiger: This tiger species is extinct, and the last known individual died in the 1980s. This is due to habitat loss and excessive poaching.

3. North African lions: Their numbers have declined dramatically over the past 100 years, mainly due to habitat loss and conflicts with humans.

4. Eastern black rhinoceros: This is a very endangered rhino subspecies with a sharp decline in numbers, mainly due to illegal hunting and habitat loss.

5. Tasmanian tiger: This known extinct Tasmanian devil is said to have become extinct in 1936, mainly threatened by overhunting and habitat loss.

6. Polar bears: Polar bears are rapidly losing their habitat due to melting sea ice caused by global warming.

These are just one of many endangered animals. Threats to endangered species often include habitat loss, overhunting, climate change and other impacts of human activities on the natural environment. The international community and national governments are already taking steps to protect these species, but conservation actions still require broader support and efforts.

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