
Is the white-necked crow a protected animal?

2023-05-21 03:38:41 164

Yes, the white-necked crow (Corvus leucognaphalus) is considered a protected species. It is native to the Caribbean, particularly found in the Dominican Republic, Haiti, and Puerto Rico. Due to habitat loss, hunting, and environmental degradation, the white-necked crow has faced population declines.

Conservation Status:

  • According to the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species, the white-necked crow is classified as Vulnerable (VU). This means that the species is at high risk of endangerment in the wild.


  • Habitat loss: Deforestation and land conversion for agriculture are the primary threats to its habitat.

  • Hunting: In some regions, the species has been hunted for food or persecuted as a pest.

  • Environmental pressures: Fragmentation of forests and the effects of climate change further threaten the species.

Given these factors, various conservation measures, including habitat protection and laws against hunting, are in place to safeguard the white-necked crow’s populations.

animal tags: crow