
Can puppies eat pumpkin?

2023-05-25 21:51:04 211

Yes, puppies can eat pumpkin. Pumpkin is a nutritious, low-fat and low-calorie food that contains large amounts of vitamins A, C and E, as well as potassium, fiber and antioxidants. These ingredients are very beneficial to your dog’s health.

In addition, pumpkin also contains a lot of water and fiber, which helps puppies digest and prevent constipation and diarrhea. Pumpkin can be given as a puppy snack or mixed into dog food.

But please note that fresh pumpkin should be cut into small pieces and cooked before feeding it to your puppy. Do not add any seasoning or sugar. Also, if your puppy has diabetes or other health issues, check with your veterinarian before feeding him pumpkin.

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