
Silver Base Animal Kingdom

2023-06-14 17:28:24 191

Protista is a taxonomic unit that includes many small and simple single-cell organisms and some complex multicellular organisms. This taxonomic unit belongs to a branch of the Eukarya domain in the biological classification system.

The characteristic of Protista is that the organisms in it have eukaryotic cell structure, that is, the cell contains a nucleus and other organelles, and has a higher degree of organization than prokaryotes. These organisms can be divided into three categories: protists, slime molds and piriformes. Among them, protists are the largest category, including many single-cell organisms, such as paramecium, flagellates, and gliding fungi; slime molds are a type of parasitic single-cell organisms, which are usually attached to the surface or inside other organisms; piriformes are a type of multicellular organisms that are considered to have evolved to a single-cell state. They are pear-shaped or oval in shape and usually live in water.

In summary, the silver-based animal kingdom includes a very diverse range of single-celled and lower multicellular organisms that play an important role in the ecosystem.

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