
Animals that hide their heads and show their tails

2023-06-16 04:01:44 244

Homo sapiens refers to the Latin name of a species, the first letters form the abbreviation or abbreviation of the species, and the latter part is its specific epithet.

The following are some common animals with sapiens:

1. Homo sapiens (human): Homo is the abbreviation of the genus, and sapiens is the specific epithet.

2. Canis lupus (wolf): Canis is the abbreviation of the genus, and lupus is the specific epithet.

3. Panthera tigris (tiger): Panthera is the abbreviation of the genus, and tigris is the specific epithet.

4. Acinonyx jubatus (Cheetah): Acinonyx is the abbreviation of the genus, jubatus is the specific epithet.

5. Lepus europaeus (Hare): Lepus is the abbreviation of the genus, europaeus is the specific epithet.

6. Crocodylus niloticus (Nile crocodile): Crocodylus is the abbreviation of the genus, niloticus is the specific epithet.

7. Vulpes vulpes (Red Fox): Vulpes is the abbreviation of the genus, vulpes is the specific epithet.

These abbreviations and specific epithets are widely used in biology to help accurately classify and identify different species.

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