
How to tell the difference between male and female newborn kittens

2023-07-14 09:45:57 223

It is difficult to tell the difference between male and female when a newborn kitten is born because their genitals are not fully developed. Usually, you need to wait until the kittens are around 6-8 weeks old, when their genitals begin to mature, before you can more accurately determine their sex.

Here are some common ways to tell the sex of a kitten:

1. Observation of external genitalia: Observe external features in the kitten’s genital area. Male cats' genitals (penis) usually have a small, circular hole, while female cats' genitals (vagina) appear as a longitudinal slit.

2. Anal distance: The distance between the anus and genitals of male cats is farther, while the distance between the anus and genitals of female cats is closer.

3. Size and behavior: Male cats are generally larger and sturdier than female cats, who are relatively smaller. Additionally, male cats may exhibit more aggressive and territorial behaviors as they mature sexually.

Please note that these methods are just some common indicators and are not guaranteed to be 100% accurate. If you need to know the sex of your kitten for sure, it's best to consult a veterinarian or professional cat breeder who can determine the sex of your kitten through more accurate methods, such as looking at internal genitalia.

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