
Should cats drink warm or cold water?

2023-07-16 18:05:25 265

Cats' water temperature preferences vary among individuals, but generally speaking, they prefer warm water to cold water. This is because wild cats usually choose to drink warm water in their natural environment, so cats have a natural preference for warm water.

There are several benefits to providing warm water to your cat. First, warm water is easier for cats to accept and digest, especially for young or elderly cats. Secondly, warm water can help promote your cat’s blood circulation and metabolism. Finally, warm water can also reduce tooth sensitivity and discomfort, especially in cats prone to gum problems.

Of course, not all cats like warm water, and some may prefer cold water. Therefore, you can observe your cat’s preferences and adjust the water temperature based on his reaction. Whether it's warm or cold water, make sure you provide your cat with a fresh, clean water source and change the water in the water bowl frequently to maintain hygiene.

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