
Top 10 dog IQ rankings

2023-11-03 22:42:40 134

The following are the top ten dog breeds based on Stanley Coren’s research and his IQ classification:

1. Border Collie

2. Extremely smart (the smartest): Poodle (Poodle)

3. Super smart: German Shepherd

4. Very good working and obedience: Golden Retriever

5. Super obedience: Chow Chow (Doberman Pinscher)

6. Smart and superior: Shetland Sheepdog

7. Extremely smart: Labrador Retriever (Labrador Retriever)

8. Smart and superior: Papillon

9. Collective sex workers: Rottweiler

10. Very good obedience: Australian Cattle Dog

It should be noted that this is only a classification method of IQ ranking, based on learning ability and obedience, rather than an assessment of the dog's intelligence or ability in other cognitive areas. A dog's IQ and learning ability also vary based on individual differences and the degree of training. Importantly, nurturing a dog's intellectual potential requires proper training, stimulation and interaction, as well as plenty of attention and love.

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