
10 inventions inspired by animals

2023-11-20 16:56:45 112

Animal biology and behavior often provide inspiration to engineers and scientists, driving many inventions and innovations. Here is a list of some animal-inspired inventions:

Aircraft wings and wind turbines - the flight of birds: Aircraft wing designs are inspired by the flight of birds, and some wind turbine designs mimic the flight postures of kites and birds.

Submarine - Fish Swimming: The submarine's streamlined design and maneuvering system were inspired by the way fish swim.

Medical Glue - Adhesion Ability of Sea Clams: A bionic medical glue was developed inspired by the ability of sea clams to adhere firmly in humid environments.

Artificial Intelligence - Animal Learning Behavior: Neuroscience and ethology provide inspiration for artificial intelligence to improve machine learning algorithms by simulating animal learning behavior.

Materials Design - Spider Silk: A biomimicry research team exploits the strength and toughness properties of spider silk to design new lightweight materials that can be used in ballistics and medical applications.

Camera technology - compound eyes of butterflies: Inspired by the compound eye structure of butterflies, camera technology with wider angles and higher resolution has been developed.

Water Purification Technology - Filtration Mechanism of Sponges: Use bionics principles to design a new water purification system to imitate the high-efficiency filtration mechanism of sponges.

Protective Clothing - Crocodile Skin: Inspired by the ability of crocodile skin to reduce drag in water, more effective protective clothing and underwater equipment are designed.

Traffic Planning - Ant Path Planning: Based on the inspiration of ant path planning, the traffic planning and cargo distribution system is improved.

Solar Energy Technology - Plant Photosynthesis: Leveraging the understanding of plant photosynthesis has advanced the development of solar energy technology, particularly in photovoltaic cell technology.

These examples show that biological systems and biological structures in nature often provide great inspiration for human innovation.

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