
Ancient nicknames for birds

2023-12-29 16:53:08 46

Ancient names for birds were often poetic, vividly depicting the beauty and elegance of birds. The following are some common names used to describe birds in ancient times:

Flying high: describes the state of a bird flying, full of freedom and lofty artistic conception.

Youhong: refers to a noble and beautiful big bird, a metaphor for a bird that flies high.

Heron: Describes the color of the bird's feathers, showing a fresh and refined artistic conception.

Fairy Bird: Describes the beautiful birds with extraordinary and refined expressions, full of extraordinary artistic conception.

Good Bird: Used to describe beautiful and elegant birds, reflecting the praise of the gorgeous appearance of birds.

These elegant names often appear in ancient literary works and poems, showing the ancients' beautiful impression and respect for birds, and also highlighting their pursuit and love for natural beauty.

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