
Why can’t we keep roosters for three years?

2024-01-07 20:39:23 132

Generally, during the breeding process of chickens, roosters are more active and healthy for about one to two years. Their egg production and meat quality tend to decline as they age, so generally, people don't breed roosters specifically until they are three years old.

Here are some of the main reasons:

Decrease in egg production rate: Roosters can generally maintain a high egg production rate within one or two years of age. As they age, the egg production rate usually decreases significantly.

Reduced meat quality: As age increases, the meat of roosters usually becomes coarser, and the taste and eating quality are not as good as when they were younger.

Health Problems: Roosters are more susceptible to health problems as they age, such as arthritis, malnutrition, and weakened immune systems.

Therefore, in modern agriculture, general farmers will be more inclined to renew their chicken flocks to maintain higher egg production rates and meat quality. Typically, breeding roosters are culled after a period of time to allow for the introduction of new, younger and healthier roosters.

Of course, there are also some old folk family breeding methods that may breed roosters for a longer period of time, but roosters that are bred for a longer period of time will also have higher requirements for feeding and management, because as they age, roosters need more careful feeding and management. , to ensure their health and production performance.

animal tags: Rooster