
How to raise a yellow-throated water turtle

2024-01-09 17:20:40 141

The yellow-throated turtle (Trachemys scripta scripta) is a common freshwater turtle that is suitable for keeping as a pet. Here are some basic guidelines for caring for the yellow-throated terrapin:

Aquariums and Habitats

Aquarium Size: Provide an aquarium large enough to provide at least 10 gallons (approximately 38 liters) of aquarium capacity for each turtle. As your turtle grows, you may need to provide a larger aquarium.

Water Quality: To ensure clean water, maintain water quality in your aquarium by using a filtration device and changing a portion of the water regularly.

Water Depth: Provide water deep enough for the turtle to swim.

Balcony: There needs to be an island or terrace in the aquarium for the turtle to come ashore to bask in the sun. This can be a floating island or a rock or island within the aquarium.

temperature and light

Daylight and Lighting: To provide appropriate lighting, you can choose an ultraviolet B light source (UVB lamp) to simulate sunlight, which helps turtles absorb vitamin D3.

Water Temperature: The water temperature should be maintained between 24-28 degrees Celsius, use an aquarium heater to maintain the water temperature.


Diet: Provide a balanced diet that includes commercial turtle feed, aquatic plants, fish food, vegetables (e.g., spinach, lettuce), fruits, and crustaceans.

Feeding: Feed carefully to avoid overeating the turtle. Feeding should be controlled according to the age and size of the turtle.

Cleaning and Feeding

Cleaning: Check and clean up feed residue and debris every day; clean the aquarium regularly and change the water.

Medical Care: When in doubt, it's best to have your turtle checked out by a veterinarian to make sure they are healthy.

Keeping turtles requires time and effort, but when you can provide them with the right environment and care, yellow-throated terrapins can make adorable and fun pets.

animal tags: yellow-throated turtle