
What are the ancestors of turtles?

2024-01-24 15:33:19 118

The turtle is an ancient reptile whose ancestors can be traced back to the Early Cretaceous period, about 220 million years ago. The origin and evolution of turtles is an interesting topic in paleontology and evolutionary research.

According to scientific research and fossil records, the ancestors of turtles are ancient reptiles, and early turtles themselves experienced a long evolutionary process. Traditionally, scientists had classified the turtle's ancestor as another reptile-like creature. However, this issue has always been controversial.


Recent research suggests that the tortoise's ancestor may have been an early reptile called Eunotosaurus. Eunotosaurus is an ancient creature that lived in the Late Devonian period (about 260 million years ago). It has many characteristics similar to modern turtles. Eunotosaurus' body structure characteristics, such as the special structure of its back carapace and spine, are very similar to modern turtles, leading scientists to speculate that it may be the ancestor of modern turtles.


In addition, some studies believe that the evolution of turtles may have a more complex relationship with crocodiles, birds, etc. Therefore, there are still many mysteries to be solved about the exact ancestors and evolutionary history of turtles. However, through the study of fossil records and genetic data, scientists are gradually unraveling the mysteries of turtle evolution, showing us the origins, evolution and adaptability of these ancient creatures.

animal tags: turtle