The scientific name of the Elliot's Woodpecker is Dendropicos elliotii, and its foreign name is Elliot's woodpecker. Its specific habits are unknown.Listed in the World Conservation Union (IUCN) ver 3.1: 2009 Bird Red List.Protect wild animals and eliminate wild game.Maintaining ecological b...
Common Wildebeest (Connochaetes taurinus) has five subspecies.Common Wildebeest can have two or three territorial ranges, each corresponding to a specific season. These generally include dry and wet season territories, as well as a third transitional territory that not all wildebeest use. Transition...
The scientific name of the African fur seal is Arctocephalus pusillus, and its foreign name is South African and Australian Fur Seal. There are two subspecies.African fur sea lions are gentle and like to gather in groups. They generally do not have a fixed habitat except during the breeding season....
The largest bird on earth is the African ostrich, which is also a flightless bird. In biological classification, it is the only species of the family Struthionidae. The African ostrich is about 183-300 cm long, 240-280 cm tall, and weighs 130-150 kg. The female bird is slightly smaller. The snake-li...
African Gray ParrotIt is a large parrot, a typical climbing bird, with a pair of toes. The African Grey Parrot has a slender foot with two toes pointing forward and two toes pointing backward, which is suitable for grasping. The bird has a strong beak and can eat hard-shelled fruits. It has a short...
The West African manatee (Trichechus senegalensis, African manatee) is a species of the family Sirenia, Sirenia, and is found in western Africa. It has long been an important source of meat, fat, and folk remedy consumables for the indigenous people of the African coast.The West African manatee may...
The black panther is a black variant of the leopard (Panthera pardus fusca). In China, people are used to calling it "Golden Leopard", while the African one is generally called "Flower Leopard". Classification: Mammalia, Carnivora, Family Felidae. Diet: Carnivorous, feeding on va...