Chlorocebus pygerythrus
Chlorocebus pygerythrus,Vervet,Blue-bellied Green Monkey
Features:Blue and white abdomen
Green monkey (scientific name: Chlorocebus pygerythrus) is called Vervet in foreign language, and has 5 subspecies.Green monkey often moves on the ground. It is gregarious. It is good at climbing, running, and swimming. Populations vary widely, with groups ranging in size from 7 to 80 individuals. F...

Chlorocebus djamdjamensis
Chlorocebus djamdjamensis,Bale Monkey
Features:Males have brightly colored genitals
Bale Mountain Green Monkey (scientific name: Chlorocebus djamdjamensis) is also known as Bale Monkey in English. It is a medium-sized monkey.Bale Mountain Green Monkey often moves on the ground. Sociable. They are good at climbing, running, and swimming. There are large differences in the population...

Chlorocebus cynosuros
Chlorocebus cynosuros,Malbrouck Monkey,Angola black-faced green monkey
Features:Black cheeks, flesh-colored spots under eyes, hairless, olive-brown fur
Malbrouck Monkey (scientific name: Chlorocebus cynosuros) is a medium-sized monkey.Malbrouck Monkey often moves on the ground. It is gregarious. It is good at climbing, running, and swimming. Populations vary widely, with groups ranging in size from 7 to 80 individuals. Female Marlbrook green monkey...

Chlorocebus sabaeus
Chlorocebus sabaeus,Grivet Monkey,Tantalus green monkey, Steppe green monkey
Features:The whole body is covered with thick golden fur with green hues, and the face is black.
Black-faced green monkey (scientific name: Chlorocebus sabaeus) is also known as Grivet Monkey in English. There are 3 subspecies.Black-faced green monkeys often move on the ground. They are gregarious. They are good at climbing, running, and swimming. The populations vary widely, with groups rangin...

Miopithecus talapoin
Miopithecus talapoin,Foreign name Southern Talapoin Monkey,Angola pygmy monkey, southern pygmy monkey
Features:It is one of two small monkeys of the genus Vervet.
Southern Talapoin Monkey (Scientific name: Miopithecus talapoin) Foreign name Southern Talapoin Monkey, is one of the two small monkeys in the genus Miopithecus, with sexual dimorphism.Pygmy monkeys live in large groups, usually 60-100, but often gather in groups of more than 100 near villages to st...

Miopithecus ogouensis
Miopithecus ogouensis,Northern Talapoin Monkey,Northern pygmy monkey
Features:The body fur is gray-green, and the lower abdomen is slightly white.
Gabonese pygmy monkey (scientific name: Miopithecus ogouensis), also known as Northern Talapoin Monkey, was once a subspecies of pygmy monkey and was designated as an independent species in 1997.Gabonese pygmy monkeys live in large groups, usually 60-100, but often gather in groups of more than 100...

Allenopithecus nigroviridis
Allenopithecus nigroviridis,Allen's Swamp Monkey,Dark green long-tailed monkey
Features:It looks quite sturdy, and its skeleton is somewhat similar to that of a baboon.
Allenopithecus nigroviridis (scientific name: Allen's Swamp Monkey) is the only species of the genus Allenopithecus in the family Primates.Allenopithecus nigroviridis is a diurnal animal that forages on the ground. It lives in groups, with up to 40 monkeys in a group, and is usually divided into...

Lagothrix flavicauda
Lagothrix flavicauda,Peruvian Yellow-tailed,Yellow woolly monkey
Features:One of the world's most endangered primates
Peruvian Yellow-tailed (Lagothrix flavicauda) is a diurnal monkey that likes to live in groups. It often lives in small groups with capuchins, howler monkeys and other monkeys. It usually walks on all fours and moves slowly. It also often uses its hands, feet and tail, or just its tail to swing on t...

Lagothrix lagotricha
Lagothrix lagotricha,Common woolly monkey, Humboldt woolly monkey
Features:Thick body with protruding abdomen
The scientific name of woolly monkeys is Lagothrix lagotricha. They are diurnal and like to live in groups. They often live in small groups with capuchins, howler monkeys and other monkeys. They usually walk on all fours and move slowly. They often use their hands, feet and tail, or just their tail...

northern muriqui
northern muriqui,Northern woolly spider monkey
Features:The structure and appearance are between the woolly monkey and the spider monkey.
The northern muriqui is extremely rare and is one of the most endangered primates.The northern muriqui mainly feeds on leaves and branches, but also eats fruit, often using its dangling tail to eat while hanging upside down. Female monkeys are more independent than male monkeys, and they leave the g...

Ateles marginatus
Ateles marginatus,White-cheeked spider monkey,Amazon spider monkey
Features:Long white hair on cheeks and forehead
The Amazon spider monkey's scientific name is Ateles marginatus. It is named because of its slender limbs. When it moves on the tree, it looks like a giant spider from a distance. It has dense hair, a small round head, and a tail that is longer than its body length, up to 80 cm, and is very enta...

Ateles hybridus
Ateles hybridus,Spotted spider monkey,Brown spider monkey
Features:There is a white triangular patch on the forehead
The brown spider monkey, scientifically known as Ateles hybridus, is also known as the spotted spider monkey. It is a critically endangered species of spider monkey and a type of New World monkey.Although the brown spider monkey spends most of its time in trees, it occasionally comes down the mounta...

Ateles geoffroyi
Ateles geoffroyi,Red spider monkey
Features:Hands and feet are usually black
Black-handed spider monkey (scientific name Ateles geoffroyi) is a arboreal primate that lives in groups. It mainly feeds on fruits, but also eats leaves, flowers, seeds, bark, honey, and small insects.Black-handed spider monkeys can reproduce throughout the year, with a gestation period of 7-8 mont...

Ateles fusciceps
Ateles fusciceps
Brown-headed spider monkey (scientific name Ateles fusciceps) is a species of spider monkey, belonging to the New World monkey.Brown spider monkeys live in loose small groups of about 20 members each, but it is rare to see them gathering together. Male brown-headed spider monkeys generally do not le...

Alouatta seniculus
Alouatta seniculus
Features:Both males and females are dark reddish brown, but this fades with age.
Red howler monkey (scientific name Alouatta seniculus) is a species of howler monkey in South America.Red howler monkeys live in small groups of 3-9 individuals. They are polygamous. There is a male leader who leads the group to find food and defend it. Females in the group take care of the young. T...

Alouatta pigra
Alouatta pigra,Red-faced howler monkey
Features:The howler monkey is the largest of the howler monkeys and the largest of the New World monkeys.
The howler monkey (Alouatta pigra), also known as the red-faced howler monkey, is a species of howler monkey in Central America.The howler monkey lives in groups, with about 1-2 adults in a group, and there are 1.3 females for every male. There are about 10 members in a group, including young monkey...

Alouatta palliata
Alouatta palliata,Mantled Howler Monkey,Long-haired howler monkey
Features:It has long guard hairs on both sides, hence the name.
Mantled Howler Monkey (scientific name: Alouatta palliata) is also known as Mantled Howler Monkey in foreign languages. There are 5 subspecies and it is one of the most common and heard monkeys in Central America.Mantled Howler Monkeys live in groups. Their groups have about 10-20 members, usually 1...

Alouatta caraya
Alouatta caraya
Features:It has black fur and a large throat, and can make very loud calls.
The scientific name of the black howler monkey is Alouatta caraya. It mainly eats fruits, leaves and seeds. They move in groups, move slowly on branches, and occasionally jump between branches. The throat is large and can make loud calls. Black howler monkeys like to sleep during the day and become...

Callicebus lucifer
Callicebus lucifer
The scientific name of the white-collared monkey is Callicebus lucifer. It moves in small groups with a common area and is diurnal. It uses its tail to maintain balance and is said to be good at jumping. It feeds on fruits, bird eggs, insects, and occasionally small birds. There is no seasonal repro...

Cacajao calvus
Cacajao calvus
Features:Red face, bald head, long fur
The scientific name of the white bald monkey is Cacajao calvus. 67% of their food is seeds; 18% is fruits; 6% is flowers; and other prey and buds account for 5%. They also eat insects, but they will not actively seek them out as food.Listed in the IUCN Red List of Primates, Ver.: 2008 - Vulnerable (...

Chiropotes satanas
Chiropotes satanas,Black Bearded Saki,Black-bearded bush monkey
Features:The hair is parted in the middle, and the males have long beards.
The scientific name of the black bush-tailed monkey is Chiropotes satanas, and its foreign name is Black Bearded Saki. It has a strong jaw and hard teeth, and can eat hard seeds and fruits. It will wag its tail when excited.On December 16, 2021, the rare monkey cub, the black-tailed macaque cub, whi...