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Animals by Scientific Class Names

The scientific names of animals are named and classified using the binomial nomenclature system of biology. This system is based on a series of hierarchical structures, from the broadest to the most specific, including kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus, and species. The following is the general structure of the scientific names of animals:

KingdomAnimaliaHomo sapiens、Canis lupus familiaris
PhylumChordataBalaenoptera musculus、Aves
ClassMammaliaPanthera tigris、whale
OrderPrimatesGorilla gorilla、Macaca mulatta
FamilyHominidaeHomo sapiens、Gorilla
GenusHomoHomo sapiens、Homo neanderthalensis
SpeciesHomo sapiensModern humans only

This classification method helps biologists clearly understand and study the relationship between species, and promotes various biological studies.

Aotus trivirgatus

Aotus trivirgatus

Aotus trivirgatus,Douroucouli、Night Monkey,owl monkey

Features:The call is complex and changeable, and it is very sensitive. If it encounters an obstacle, it will open its mouth and bite.

The night monkey (scientific name: Aotus trivirgatus) is also known as Douroucouli and Night Monkey in foreign languages. There is no subspecies. The night monkey is like an owl and is active at night, so it is also called owl monkey or owl monkey. At night, it relies on its unique eyes to find food...

Aotus lemurinus

Aotus lemurinus

Aotus lemurinus,Colombian Night Monkey,Gray-bellied Night Monkey

Features:The only truly nocturnal monkey in the world

Aotus lemurinus (scientific name: Colombian Night Monkey) is a species of Aotus lemurinus. It has a very strange appearance and two subspecies.Aotus lemurinus is most active in the hours before dusk and dawn. These monkeys live in small groups of 2-5 members, including a pair of adult monkeys and th...

Saimiri sciureus

Saimiri sciureus

Saimiri sciureus

Features:It has a slender body, a long tail, and mostly golden fur.

Squirrel monkeys (scientific name: Saimiri sciureus) have 4 subspecies. They are small monkeys native to South America. They are easy to domesticate and can reproduce. They are gradually becoming pets.Squirrel monkeys live in primary forests, secondary forests and cultivated areas, usually near stre...

Saimiri oerstedi

Saimiri oerstedi

Saimiri oerstedi,Panamanian squirrel monkey, red-backed squirrel monkey

Features:The back is orange and the face is black and white

The scientific name of the red-backed squirrel monkey is Saimiri oerstedi. There are two subspecies: 1. S. o. oerstedii: distributed on the western Pacific coast of Panama and the Osa Peninsula of Costa Rica. 2. S. o. citrinellus: distributed in central Costa Rica, with an estimated number of only 1...

Saimiri ustus

Saimiri ustus

Saimiri ustus,Naked-eared squirrel monkey

Features:The mouth and nose are black, like makeup.

The scientific name of the Mahe squirrel monkey, Saimiri ustus, is a tree-dwelling animal that occasionally moves on the ground. They are active during the day, usually in groups of 10-30, sometimes up to 100 or even more. Each group has its own territory and uses the secretions of the anal glands a...

Sapajus robustus,

Sapajus robustus,

Sapajus robustus, Crested Capuchin、Robust Tufted Capuchin,Schopfkapuzineraffe, Macaco Prego、macaco prego de crista,Crested Capuchin

Features:The top of the head has a conical crown that is bright red with a black spot

Sapajus robustus (scientific name: Sapajus robustus) English Crested Capuchin, Robust Tufted Capuchin, German Schopfkapuzineraffe, Portuguese Macaco Prego, macaco prego de crista, no subspecies.Black-crowned macaques are similar to other closely related macaque species, with top-ranking males domina...

Sapajus nigritus

Sapajus nigritus

Sapajus nigritus, Black-horned Capuchin、Black Capuchin、Black-capped capuchin, Sajou、Sapajou, Capuchino、Mono-capuchino, Schwarzer Kapuzineraffe

Features:It is named for the two distinct tufts of black fur on the top of its head.

Black-horned Capuchin (scientific name: Sapajus nigritus) is called Black-horned Capuchin, Black Capuchin, Black-capped capuchin in English, Sajou, Sapajou in French, Capuchino, Mono-capuchino in Spanish, and Schwarzer Kapuzineraffe in German. It has two subspecies.The black-capped cebus was origina...

Sapajus libidinosus

Sapajus libidinosus

Sapajus libidinosus, Bearded Capuchin、Black-striped Capuchin,Rückenstreifen-Kapuzineraffe, Macaco-prego、Macaco-prego-amarelo

Features:There are black "sideburns" extending along the sides of the face, which looks like a beard.

Bearded Capuchin (scientific name: Sapajus libidinosus) English Bearded Capuchin, Black-striped Capuchin, German Rückenstreifen-Kapuzineraffe, Portuguese Macaco-prego, Macaco-prego-amarelo, no subspecies.The bearded monkey is a New World monkey, a member of the family Capuchinidae, which also inclu...

Sapajus flavius

Sapajus flavius

Sapajus flavius, Blonde Capuchin、 Marcgrave's Capuchin Monkey, Blonder Kapuzineraffe

Features:The body hair is almost uniformly golden yellow

Blonde Capuchin (scientific name: Sapajus flavius) English Blonde Capuchin, Marcgrave's Capuchin Monkey, German Blonder Kapuzineraffe, no subspecies, is a smaller species of Sapajus species.In 1648, German naturalist Georg Marcgrave first described the golden monkey as "caitaia". In 17...

Sapajus cay

Sapajus cay

Sapajus cay,Azara’s Capuchin、 Hooded Capuchin、yellow bearded capuchin,Sajou brun、Sapajou、Sapajou du Paraguay, Capuchino de Azara、 Mono、Mono-Capuchino, Azara-Kapuzineraffe, Scimmie Cappucine

Features:The top of the head has short, upright dark brown tufts of hair, like a hat

Sapajus cay (scientific name: Sapajus cay) is called Azara’s Capuchin, Hooded Capuchin, yellow bearded capuchin in English, Sajou brun, Sapajou, Sapajou du Paraguay in French, Capuchino de Azara, Mono, Mono-Capuchino in Spanish, Azara-Kapuzineraffe in German, Scimmie Cappucine in Italian, no subspe...

Sapajus apella

Sapajus apella

Sapajus apella,Black-capped Capuchin、 Guianan Brown Capuchin、 Margarita Island Capuchin、 Tufted Capuchin, Apella、 Faunaffe、Gehaubter Kapuziner

Features:The Internet celebrity monkey with a square face

Black-capped Capuchin (scientific name: Sapajus apella) is called Black-capped Capuchin, Guianan Brown Capuchin, Margarita Island Capuchin, Tufted Capuchin in English, Apella, Faunaffe, Gehaubter Kapuziner in German, and has 2 subspecies.Black-capped monkeys typically have a home range of 25-40 hect...

Saguinus bicolor

Saguinus bicolor

Saguinus bicolor,Brazilian Bare-faced Tamarin,Black and white tamarin, black and white tamarin, two-colored tamarin, two-colored tamarin, spotted-faced tamarin, two-colored tamarin

Features:The colors are mainly black, white and brown.

The black-and-white tamarin (scientific name: Saguinus bicolor) is also known as the Brazilian Bare-faced Tamarin. It is an endangered primate.The black-and-white tamarin lives in small groups, with about 2-15 members in a group. In the Yadovduk Forest Reserve, there are an average of 4-8 black-and-...

Sapajus xanthosternos

Sapajus xanthosternos

Sapajus xanthosternos, Buff-headed Capuchin、Yellow-breasted Capuchin,Gelbbrust-Kapuzineraffe,Macaco-prego, Macaco-prego-de-peito-amarelo

Features:Yellow to golden on the chest, abdomen, and upper arms

Sapajus xanthosternos (scientific name: Sapajus xanthosternos) English Buff-headed Capuchin, Yellow-breasted Capuchin, German Gelbbrust-Kapuzineraffe, Portuguese Macaco-prego, Macaco-prego-de-peito-amarelo, no subspecies.The golden-bellied monkey is arboreal, diurnal, moves on quadrupeds, and tends...

Apus nipalensis

Apus nipalensis

Apus nipalensis,Little Swift

Features:The back and tail are dark brown with a slight bluish green sheen. The tail is flat and slightly concave in the middle.

The small white-rumped swift lives and moves in groups. Sometimes it also flies in the air with house swallows. It flies fast, often with a period of rapid flapping wings followed by a period of gliding, and the two are often performed alternately. It will make a relatively sharp call in the evening...

Cebus olivaceus

Cebus olivaceus

Cebus olivaceus, Guinan Weeper Capuchin、Wedge-capped Capuchin、 Weeper Capuchin,Sapajou pleurer, Capuchino Oliva, Brauner Kapuzineraffe, Wedge-capped Capuchin

Features:There is a black to dark grey "wedge-shaped cap" that starts between the eyes and extends from the forehead back to the top of the head

Black-banded Capuchin (scientific name: Cebus olivaceus) English Guinan Weeper Capuchin, Wedge-capped Capuchin, Weeper Capuchin, French Sapajou pleurer, Spanish Capuchino Oliva, German Brauner Kapuzineraffe, no subspecies.Black-banded capuchins are very social animals, living in groups of about 10-3...

Apus acuticauda

Apus acuticauda

Apus acuticauda,Dark-backed Swift

Features:Very similar to the White-rumped Swift, but with a darker throat and no white spots on the waist.

Dark-backed swift, Latin name Apus acuticauda, is distributed in the Indian subcontinent and southwest China (including India, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Sikkim, Nepal, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Maldives and southeastern Tibet, China, etc.), Indochina Peninsula and southeastern coastal areas of China (including...

Cebus malitiosus,

Cebus malitiosus,

Cebus malitiosus,Santa Marta White-fronted Capuchin,Santa Marta white-fronted capuchin monkey

Features:There is a round black spot on the top of the head, and the cheeks are peachy

Santa Marta White-fronted Capuchin (scientific name: Cebus malitiosus), foreign name Santa Marta White-fronted Capuchin, no subspecies. Specific habits are unknown.Listed in the "Red List of Threatened Species of the World Conservation Union" (IUCN) 2015 ver3.1-Endangered (EN).Listed in Ap...

Cebus cuscinus

Cebus cuscinus

Cebus cuscinus, Shock-headed Capuchin, Machin de Cara Blanca

Features:There is a round black spot on the top of the head

Cebus cuscinus (Scientific name: Cebus cuscinus) English Shock-headed Capuchin, Spanish Machin de Cara Blanca, no subspecies. The helmeted capuchin is a slender capuchin monkey distributed in Bolivia, Brazil and Peru. Hershkovitz listed 13 subspecies of the white-fronted capuchin (C.albifrons Humbol...

Cebus aequatorialis

Cebus aequatorialis

Cebus aequatorialis, Ecuadorian White-fronted Capuchin、 Ecuadorian Capuchin, Machín Blanco de Occidente、 Mono Capuchino,Ecuadorian white-fronted capuchin monkey

Features:Light brown on back, white underneath

Ecuadorian Capuchin (scientific name: Cebus aequatorialis) English: Ecuadorian White-fronted Capuchin, Ecuadorian Capuchin, Spanish: Machín Blanco de Occidente, Mono Capuchino, no subspecies.Ecuadorian capuchins live in groups of about 5-20 individuals, with females slightly outnumbering them in mo...

Cebus capucinus

Cebus capucinus

Cebus capucinus, Colombian White-throated Capuchin、 White-faced Capuchin、White-headed Capuchin、 White-throated Capuchin,Sapajou capucin, Capuchino de Cara Blanca de Colombia,Weißschulter-Kapuzineraffe

Features:The back and hindquarters are solid black, the cheek skin is tan, and the head is covered with a black cap.

White-faced Capuchin (scientific name: Cebus capucinus) English Colombian White-throated Capuchin, White-faced Capuchin, White-headed Capuchin, White-throated Capuchin, French Sapajou capucin, Spanish Capuchino de Cara Blanca de Colombia, German Weißschulter-Kapuzineraffe, there are 2 subspecies.Th...

Cebus brunneus

Cebus brunneus

Cebus brunneus,Venezuelan Brown Capuchin、Brown Weeper Capuchin, Capuchino de Venezuela、capuchino、capuchino venezolano、 mono、 mono capuchino、 mono capuchino norteño、mono común, mono pardo, Venezuela-Ka

Features:There is a dark brown wedge-shaped crown on the forehead

Brown-capped capuchin (scientific name: Cebus brunneus) English Venezuelan Brown Capuchin, Brown Weeper Capuchin, Spanish Capuchino de Venezuela, capuchino, capuchino venezolano, mono, mono capuchino, mono capuchino norteño, mono común, mono pardo, German Venezuela-Kapuzineraffe, no subspecies.The...