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Otolemur crassicaudatus

2022-12-19 17:08:29 139

Otolemur crassicaudatus (Latin name: Otolemur crassicaudatus) is a nocturnal primate and the largest member of the family Otolemuridae.


Otolemur crassicaudatus is a nocturnal animal. It lives in tree holes during the day. Their food includes fruits, seeds, flowers, insects, slugs, reptiles and birds.

Although the number of thick-tailed baby monkeys is not small, they have also been added to the Red List of the World Conservation Union and listed as vulnerable animals. Due to hunting and environmental reasons, the number is decreasing.

Protect wild animals and eliminate game.

Maintaining ecological balance is everyone's responsibility!

The stubby-tailed macaque is a common species found mainly in southern and eastern Africa. The largest populations are found in Angola, southern Tanzania and Kenya, and along the coast of Somalia. The lighter-colored stubby-tailed macaques tend to live in drier, lower-lying areas, while the darker-colored stubby-tailed macaques may even live in higher, wetter areas.
The thick-tailed baby monkey has a round brain, large ears, and relatively small eyes. Its fur is generally gray or dark brown, and the tip of its tail is white or black.
The body length of the thick-tailed baby monkey is 26-47 cm (tail length 29-55 cm) and the weight is 0.5-2 kg.