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Microcebus macarthurii

2022-12-20 15:24:53 171

MacArthur's dwarf lemur (scientific name: Microcebus macarthurii), foreign name MacArthur's Mouse Lemur, no subspecies.


The MacArthur dwarf lemur is named in honor of Catherine T. MacArthur, founder of the MacArthur Foundation, which funded research that included the discovery of this species.

The MacArthur dwarf lemur is a species of dwarf lemur found only in the Makira National Park in northeastern Madagascar, and is found alone in forested habitats foraging for food at night. Like other species in the genus, this species differs from related species in about 10% of the genes studied.

Listed in the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species in 2016 ver 3.1 - Endangered (EN).

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Found in northeastern Madagascar. This newly described species is known only from the type locality near the village of Anjiahely, about 26 km west of Maroantsetra. The precise limits of its distribution and its relationship to neighboring taxa remain to be determined. It appears to be similar to Mittermeieri of Anjiahely. The restricted area of ​​distribution (EOO) is estimated to be less than 700 km2.
MacArthur's dwarf lemur weighs 45 grams, with a tail longer than its body, dense and long, broom-shaped hair; large eyes; dense fur, light brown back, grayish white chest and abdomen; the second toe has a grooved and curved claw; it has 36 teeth, but lacks the upper incisors.