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Microcebus marohita

2022-12-20 15:40:19 160

Marohita Mouse Lemur (scientific name: Microcebus marohita) is also known as Marohita Mouse Lemur. It has no subspecies. Its specific habits are unknown.


Listed in the "Red List of Threatened Species of the World Conservation Union" (IUCN) 2014 ver 3.1 - Critically Endangered (CR).

Protect wild animals and stop eating game.

Maintaining ecological balance is everyone's responsibility!

The Marohita dwarf lemur lives only in the Marohita forest, located within the Marolambo forest in Madagascar. Its distribution outside the Marohita forest is unknown. The highly restricted EOO is estimated to be less than 40 square kilometers.
The Marohita dwarf lemur is a particularly large dwarf lemur. It weighs 78 grams and has an average body length of 275-286 mm. Its tail is 133-145 mm long, which is about half of its body length. The ears are short, measuring 18-19 mm, and the hind feet are 34-35 mm long. This makes it the largest of the known dwarf lemurs. The back is reddish-brown with an indistinguishable mid-dorsal stripe. The fur on the underside is gray to beige, while the underside is dark gray.