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Ateles geoffroyi

2022-12-22 18:49:54 159

Black-handed spider monkey (scientific name Ateles geoffroyi) is a arboreal primate that lives in groups. It mainly feeds on fruits, but also eats leaves, flowers, seeds, bark, honey, and small insects.


Black-handed spider monkeys can reproduce throughout the year, with a gestation period of 7-8 months and one cub per litter. Adult females reproduce every 2-4 years. The life span of brown-headed spider monkeys in captivity can reach 33 years.

The IUCN Red List lists it as: Endangered (EN)

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The black-handed spider monkey lives in the tropical rainforests of Mexico, Belize, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua and Panama in Central and North America.
The male black-handed spider monkey is 39-63 cm long, with a tail length of 70-86 cm and a weight of 7.4-9 kg. The female black-handed spider monkey is 31-45 cm long, with a tail length of 64-75 cm and a weight of 6-8 kg. The black-handed spider monkey is reddish brown or black in color, with black hands and feet, a hairless face, and lighter color around the eyes and mouth and nose.