
Dardanelles_Bosphorus_Bering and Drake Strait

2023-04-12 23:17:18 171

The Dardanelles Strait is located on the west side of the northwest corner of Turkey. It is an important channel connecting the Sea of Marmara and the Aegean Sea. The total length of the strait is 71 kilometers, the narrowest point is only 1.3 kilometers, the widest is 7.5 kilometers, and the shallowest point is 53 meters deep. , the deepest water depth is 106 meters.

Geographic location map of the Dardanelles Strait

Geographical location map of the Bosporus

The Bosporus is located on the north side of the northwest corner of Turkey. It is an important channel connecting the Sea of Marmara and the Black Sea. The Bosporus is about 30 kilometers long, with a narrowest point of 800 meters and a maximum width of 2,400 meters. The shallow point is 27.5 meters and the deepest is 80 meters.

The Bosporus Strait and the Dardanelles Strait together form the channel for countries along the Caspian Sea to enter and exit the open sea.

Geographical map of the Bering Strait

The Bering Strait is located at the northeastern tip of Asia and the northwest tip of North America. It connects the Arctic Ocean and the Pacific Ocean, and separates Siberia in Asia and Alaska in North America. It has a width of 35 to 86 kilometers and a depth of 42 meters. However, this was not the case here before.

Ice floes in the Bering Strait

During the Ice Age, the northern hemisphere was covered by glaciers, and these huge ice blocks accumulated a large amount of water on the earth. During the coldest period of the ice age, the water level of the Bering Sea dropped by more than 90 meters. The land above the water forms a "bridge" that connects the two continents. This is the Bering Sea Land Bridge. During that period, many animals from Eurasia entered the Americas via land bridges. Archaeologists believe that the ancestors of the Indians were hunters who passed through this land bridge to North America while tracking their herds.

After crossing the land bridge, they were not able to enter the hinterland of America immediately. This is because it was in the Ice Age at that time, and the entire North American continent was covered with ice. At the coldest time, the thickness of this ice once reached 1.6 kilometers. In some different historical periods, the climate changed. Sometimes the weather became warmer, and a passage appeared between the two major glaciers in North America. Then they gradually reached the central and southern parts of North America. Settled there.

Drake Passage

The Drake Strait is located between the southernmost tip of South America and Antarctica, close to Chile and Argentina. It is an important strait for the communication between the Atlantic Ocean and the Pacific Ocean in the south. The total length is 900 kilometers, the narrowest point is 890 kilometers, the maximum depth is 5248 meters, and the minimum depth is 80 meters.

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